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芬芳香园玫瑰花。Fragrant incense rose garden.

花儿闻起来真香。The flower smells very fragrant.

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其色泽嫩黄,清香扑鼻。The color yellow, fragrant aroma.

这朵红玫瑰嗅起来非常芳香。The red rose smells very fragrant.

香菊加油!The fragrant chrysanthemum refuels!

那是一个遍地鲜花,香气袭人的地方。It was a land fragrant with flowers.

她因做好事而芳名流传。Her name is fragrant with good deeds.

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香径徘徊赏花人。Flowers fragrant path wandering people.

哈哈,你是说香山红叶吧。当然。Ha-ha. You mean the Fragrant Hill? Sure.

恰像馥郁的玫瑰花心的毛虫。Which like a canker in the fragrant rose.

他们说连她放个屁都是香的。They said that she put a foot is fragrant.

书签是用什么做的?闻起来香香的。What are they made of? They smell fragrant.

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大型的跳蚤市场—即香格里拉。Large flea market-namely fragrant space lira.

啊,哪里才是她的芳魂的安家之处?O where's the home her fragrant soul could go?

兰有秀兮菊有芳。Orchids flourish, chrysanthemums are fragrant.

酒神杖,顶端是芳香的松果。The thyrsus , tipped with fragrant cones of pine.

她用芬芳的气息柔柔地吹着天空,。With fragrant breath she softly blowing the sky,.

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木色像玫瑰而且木质有玫瑰花香。It's marked by its rose colour and fragrant odour.

号称”国香,王者香”。Known as the "National fragrant incense the king."

鸭舌20只,酱香味,香浓四溢。Monochoria 20, butter flavor, fragrant overflowing.