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最近的自助洗衣店在哪里?Where is the nearest Laundromat?

没有。你必须去自动洗衣店洗衣服.No,you need to go to the laundromat.

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我们甚至有投币式的自助洗衣店。We even have a coin-operated Laundromat.

你知道这附近的自助洗衣店在哪吗?Do you know where the Laundromat nearby is?

自助洗衣店?对不起,我实在不知道。The laundromat ?Sorry , I really don't know.

打扰一下,能告诉我从这到干洗店怎么走?Can you tell me how to get to the Laundromat from here?

龙卷风正好到达自助洗衣店。The funnel crowd dropped right there at the laundromat.

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最后我七手八脚的把湿衣服拖到了自助洗衣店里。Somehow I managed to lug the wet clothes to the laundromat.

男人总是期望能在洗衣店邂逅美丽女人。Men always expect to meet beautiful women at the Laundromat.

当天,在马里兰州一个自助洗衣店发现了格雷和德雷帕。That day, both Gray and Draper were discovered at a laundromat in Maryland.

我过去经常有30对内衣,所以在我去自助洗衣店之间我可以等待30天。I used to have 30 so that I could wait 30 days between trips to the laundromat.

我很无聊时,就会到自助洗衣店看看自己衣服在烘衣机里翻滚烘乾的样子。When I get really bored, I go to a laundromat and watch my clothes tumbling in the dryer.

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这就是浏览互联网比起在自助洗衣店读公告板更有趣的原因。That's why the internet is so much more fun than reading the corkboard at your laundromat.

有时我们如此穷困潦倒甚至在浴缸中洗衣服因为我们付不起洗衣店的钱。At times we were so broke that we washed our clothes in the bathtub because we couldn’t afford the Laundromat.

我旧地重游了街道拐角的那家迷你便利店,当年妈妈经常打发我到去那里买牛奶,还有那熟悉的消防局和洗衣店……There was the little corner store my mom used to send me to for milk, the familiar fire station, the Laundromat.

地下铁站也很近哦,当你要在欧洲呆上三周时,转角处的自主洗衣店更是绝对雪中送炭!The metro station is so close and the laundromat around the corner is a real bonus when you are in Europe for three weeks!

在工作中、在超市中、在自动洗衣店或是在车站------机遇每天都会向我们招手。Chance encounters happen on almost a daily basis to all of us—at work, in the supermarket, at the Laundromat or the bus stop.

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当他最终没衣服穿的时候,他会把脏衣服翻过来穿、租一辆手推车,把堆成山的脏衣服运到洗衣店。When he is finally out of clothes, he will wear a dirty sweatshirt inside out, rent a U-Haul and take his mountain of clothes to the Laundromat.