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单一片面铝铸造件。Single sided aluminum cast piece.

弗兰克在辩论中支持戴维。Frand sided with David in the argument.

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弗兰克在争论中站在戴维一边。Frank sided with David in the argument.

办公室凑钱,支持我们。The office chipped in and sided with us.

在这个协定中路易完全倾向于亨利。In the Mise, Louis sided entirely with Henry.

我开始怀疑,这是一种单相思。I begin to suspect that this is a one sided love.

程序墙门现在有一一面锁!Procedural wall doors now have a one sided lock !

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我已经在这里展开军与双面胶带。I have mounted the vrs here with double sided tape.

孩子们总是和妈妈站在一起,跟我唱对台戏。The kids always sided with their mother against me.

但大多数的提坦们和巨人都站在克罗诺斯一边。But most of the Titans and giants sided with Cronos.

他总是站在被压迫和被剥削者一边。He always sided with the oppressed and the exploited.

我们之间的关系其实是一边倒,哈佛的学生更嫉妒我们耶鲁的学生。It's more of an one- sided relationship. They're more jealous of us.

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董事会站在他那边,就这样在我30岁的时候,公开把我给解雇了。When we did, our board of directors sided with him. So at 30 I was out.

我希望看到更多的是看到锯战,但是这是一个非常片面的。I was hoping to see more of a see-saw battle, but this was very one sided.

尽管相对而言很少人站在司布真一边,然而他没有被吓倒。Though comparatively few sided with Spurgeon, yet he would not be deterred.

但这种左脉的事也可能来自你自己对错误事情的渴望。But this left sided thing can also come from your own desire for wrong things.

该双面胶粘带是指通用型的双面胶粘带,广泛地应用于多种领域。Double Sided Tape is a versatile two-face suitable for use in almost all fields.

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苏特被认为是一个温和派法官,他通常支持那些意见更加倾向自由派的法官。Souter was considered a moderate who often sided with the more liberal justices.

我们就是恋上无情流水的有意落花,中了爱情的诅咒。We are the victims of the one sided affair. We are the cursed of the loved ones.

以色列全地的祭司和利未人都从四方来归罗波安。The priests and Levites from all their districts throughout Israel sided with him.