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贝丝吃光了所有的六块水果蛋糕。Bess ate all of six fruit cakes.

贝丝叉起一片黄瓜。Bess stabbed a slice of cucumber.

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她走到门口,碧丝站在她前面。She went to the door, and Bess stood before her.

她看着我眼神苍老而疲惫说道,“不,我会死的,贝斯。Her old, tired eyes looked at me.‘Yes I am, Bess.

还有一天碧丝就要到家了。There was only a day now before Bess would arrive.

我和我的好伙伴贝斯柯尔在后面慢慢地骑着。I rode slowly behind, with my good woman, Bess Curle.

大明星西耶娜·米勒带着两只爱犬在阳光下散步。Miller takes a stroll in the sun with her pups Porgy and Bess.

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您可曾见到那墨黑的废水污染了碧河?Have you ever seen the blackest wastewater polluted Bess river?

年年岁岁珞蒂总劝碧丝要为年老之后做点准备。Over the years Lottie had urged Bess to prepare for her old age.

她在厨房给正在烤炙中的火鸡上奶油时,碧丝按了门铃。She was in the kitchen basting a turkey when Bess rang the bell.

他最初是与弟弟一起演出,之后则是与他的太太贝丝同台共演。He first performed with his brother and then later with his wife, Bess.

“罗莎贝尔”是一个有很多年之前,贝丝唱歌曲名称。"Rosabelle" was the name of a song that Bess had sung many years before.

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贝丝告诉老板说我昨天提前下班,让她的“友善”见鬼去吧!Bess told the bass 1 left work early yesterday-sn much for her friendship!

大明星西耶娜·米勒带著两只爱犬在阳光下散步。Actress Sienna Miller takes a stroll in the sun with her pups Porgy and Bess.

有一次,贝丝说,她认为有一次她已与哈利联系。Once, Bess said that she thought that one time she had made contact with Harry.

但演出最后,姜武赫说出了真相令家长们赞赏不已。Bess But at the end of performance, JiangWuHe speak the truth that parents admiration.

当哈利于1894年结婚,他和他的妻子贝丝一起作为魔术师和助理。When Harry married in 1894, he and his wife Bess worked together as magician and assistant.

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奎因贝丝岛上,一只满身油污的鹈鹕陷入了粘稠的油粕里。An oil covered pelican sits stuck in thick beached oil at Queen Bess Island in Barataria Bay, La.

碧丝则是一身穿着好衣裳,今生今世其它值钱的东西也尽在一只破皮…Bess had the clothes on her back, and the rest of her worldly possessions in a battered suitcase.

哈里死在外国,在一家三流的旅馆里,碧丝哭得像他留给她多大一笔遗产似的。Harry died abroad, in a third-rate hotel, with Bess weeping as hard as if he had left her a fortune.