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1778年,一位耶稣会士的牧师写了第一本湖区旅行指南。Jesuit priest wrote the first guidebook in 1778.

我是耶稣会男子高中的新生。I was a freshman at an all-boys Jesuit high school.

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像和平队或耶稣会志愿者之类的。like maybe the Peace Corps or Jesuit Volunteer Corps.

耶稣会著名的建筑是在那慕尔,名叫圣路教堂。The masterpiece of Jesuit architecture is at Namur. It is called Saint-Loup.

逻辑课老师是奥托。亨茨,一位尚未被委任为牧师的耶稣会教士。I took logic from Otto Hentz, a Jesuit who had not yet been ordained as a priest.

故事讲的是弗朗西斯·阿罗史密斯陪同耶稣会士使团到中国游历的事。The story follows Francis Arrowsmith as he accompanies a Jesuit mission to China.

另一位耶稣会教授约瑟夫。塞贝斯是我认识的最杰出的人中其中一位。Another Jesuit professor, Joseph Sebes, was one of the most remarkable men I've ever known.

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意大利耶稣会士利玛窦于1601年抵达北京并成立新的教友团体。In 1601, the Italian Jesuit Matteo Ricci reached Beijing. A new Catholic community took shape.

比西出生于一个正统的印度教家庭,在一所耶稣教会学校学习了11年。Bish was born into an orthodox Hindu family, but attended a private Jesuit school for 11 years.

威灵耶稣大学教授发表报告指出,吃牛奶巧克力可以增进你的脑部活动。Wheeling Jesuit University professor reports that eating milk chocolate can improve your brain activity.

现在叶门发生的内战其实是因为耶稣会试图要湮灭所有关于以色列真实历史的相关证据。Current war in Yemen is a Jesuit attempt to erase all evidence about the true story about the Israelites.

他19岁加入耶稣会,约10年后开始写作,当时他还是神学院学生。He entered the Jesuit order at 19, and began writing about 10 years later, while he was still a seminarian.

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弗朗西斯·泽维尔,基督教传教士,在1549年到达这片土地并将日本纳入自己的功名簿。Francis Xavier, a Jesuit missionary, had arrived in 1549, and counted Japan as one of his greatest successes.

有史以来第一次提到使用金鸡纳树皮的,是在耶稣会传教士的正式记录中。The first ever mention of using the cinchona bark was in official records of community of Jesuit missionaries.

适当的主体代表一个按键事件在他们的生活中,它的创始人的圣依纳德天天主教的订单。Appropriately the subject represents a key event in the life of Saint Ignatius, the founder of the Jesuit order.

它被介绍给欧洲的意大利天主教利玛窦、第一个译成拉丁语的名字是“子曰诗云”。It was introduced to Europe by the Italian Jesuit Matteo Ricci, who was the first to Latinise the name as "Confucius."

利玛窦是意大利的耶稣教会传教士,是第一批在1600年早期住在现在北京地区的西方人之一。Ricci, a Jesuit missionary from Italy, was among the first Westerners to live in what is now Beijing in the early 1600s.

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卡斯特罗在耶稣会学校上学后,又上了哈瓦纳大学,并获得法律学位,并积极投身政治。After attending Jesuit schools, he graduated from the University of Havana with a law degree and became active in politics.

于十六及十七世纪来到亚洲的耶稣会传教士们沉浸于这些西塞罗理想。Jesuit missionaries who arrived to Asia in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries were imbued with these Ciceronian ideals.

这个虔诚的罗马天主教徒1927年8月13日出生,曾就读于哈瓦那和圣地亚哥的耶稣会学校。A devout Roman Catholic, he was born on August 13, 1927, and educated at Jesuit institutions in Santiago de Cuba and in Havana.