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我却说,我消瘦了!But I say, Leanness to me!

他们发现一种最普遍的被称为IRS1的基因与生菜苗条之间存在关联。This revealed an extremely common gene called IRS1 to be linked to leanness.

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该植物对土壤要求不严格,适合于荒山较贫瘠的土壤中栽培。This plant pay little emphasis on soil, it can be planted on the barren hill and leanness soil.

鼓励您女儿多参与那些不强调体重如何重要或者更重视学习过程的活动。Consider encouraging activities that don't emphasize the importance of weight or value leanness.

目前在理论方法上研究的缺乏,必然可能导致在规划实践与管理上的盲目性。While, the leanness of theory and methodology leads to the blindness in planning and management.

莱克多巴胺是一种添加在饲料当中,用以助长猪只生出“瘦肉”的药物。Ractopamine is a drug that is used as a feed additive to promote leanness in pigs raised for their meat.

父母是节食者或者其体形瘦弱会极大地影响孩子。The responses suggested that parents who were dieters or valued leanness strongly influenced their children.

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莱克多巴胺是一种剂量极低的动物饲料添加剂,用于提高生猪瘦肉率。Ractopamine is an animal feed additive used in extremely low levels to promote leanness in pigs raised for meat.

随着猪肉生产中瘦肉率的提高,以及有害添加剂的饲喂,猪肉品质恶化。With the elevation of leanness in pork production, and the application of harmful additives, pork quality appears poor.

长期过量施用化肥,会造成土壤物理性质恶化,肥力下降,土壤板结,肥效降低。Long-term surfeit use of excessive fertilizer will make the physical property of soil worsen, the soil harden and leanness.

波特鸭茅具有耐寒、耐热、耐贫瘠、耐牧、适口性好、持久性强等优点。Dactylis glomerata L. cv. Porto has good palatability, strong persistent, and excellent tolerance of cold, hot and leanness.

工业用染色剂苏丹红以及增加猪瘦肉量的“瘦肉精”都在名单之列。Tonyred, an industrial coloring agent, and ractopamine, which is used to promote leanness in pigs, are among the materials listed.

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一种工业着色剂和莱克多巴胺,用于促进猪长瘦肉,在这个名单中。Tonyred, an industrial coloring agent, and ractopamine, which are used to promote leanness in pigs, are among the materials listed.

我们认为,总体具有相同的遗传潜力,消瘦和产妇性状与补充层面上的增长。We feel that MASTERPLAN has the same genetic potential for leanness and maternal traits with the added dimension of superior growth.

她们无论在法律上或身体上都是确确实实的成年人,但她们当时备受赞美的身材已不符合今天的审美要求——线条明晰、瘦削。Legally and physically adults, their much-admired bodies would not meet today's standards of sculpted muscularity and narrow-hipped leanness.

加速装置为这种情况提供额外的燃油,从而客服这种问题,使发动机在加速过程中平顺工作。The pump system provides the additional fuel flow necessary to overcome this leanness and maintains smooth engine operation during rapid low-speed acceleration.