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我认为养蜂就是最佳的选择。I think apiculture is first-rate choice.

在以后,养蜂业是一个有潜力的行业。Apiculture is a potential industry in the future.

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完善农业用水价格政策。We will improve the pricing policy for water used in apiculture.

“安徽养蜂第一镇”的西溪南镇座落在本区。The south town of Xixinan, Huizhou district, wins the title " The First Town in Apiculture".

白垩病是我国养蜂业中潜在病害之一,影响着我国养蜂业的发展。It is one of the main honey disease with great potential effect on apiculture development in China.

蜂产业优势首先,养蜂“门槛低”,只需一次性投资。Bee industry dominant position above all, apiculture " the doorsill is low " , require one-time investment only.

第四十七条国家鼓励发展养蜂业,维护养蜂生产者的合法权益。Article 47 The State encourages the development of apiculture and protects the lawful rights and interests of bee-keepers.

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喀拉拉省养蜂人口超过10万,工蜂数量减少已威胁他们生计。Over 100,000 people in Kerala are engaged in apiculture and the dwindling worker bee population poses a threat to their livelihood.

在养蜂协会呼吁法国政府停止使用在一些危害蜜蜂的农药。The apiculture association has called on the French government to block the use in the country of some pesticides, which it says harms bees.

蜂业是我国的传统特色产业,集经济、社会和生态效益于一体,是现代农业的重要组成部分。Apiculture is a traditional and special industry in China. As an important part of modern agriculture, it has economic, social and ecological benefit.

澳大利亚的养蜂业为世界知名,其产品无污染、高质量,是真正的绿色食品。Australia is noted for apiculture around the world. The honey produced in Australia is free of pollution, high in quality and known as genuine green food.

蜂业是我国的传统特色产业,集经济、社会和生态效益于一体,是现代农业的重要组成部分。Apiculture is China's traditional industries, and set economic, social and ecological benefits of the integrated, modern agriculture is an important component.

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其次,养蜂所受限制少,养蜂不受地形约束,农舍外、田地边、道路旁都可用于生产。Next, apiculture place accepts restriction little, apiculture does not accept landform obligation, outside farmhouse, can use at production by cropland edge, road.

根据黄河三角洲地区蜜源植物的现状,指出利用蜜源植物发展养蜂业具有广阔的发展前景和可观的经济效益。Based on the current situation of honey plants on the Delta, it is of a vast range of prospects and considerable economic performance to develop apiculture in this area.

不能只见养蜂“潮落时”建平县军队离退休干部休养所叶俊养蜂人养蜂的目的是为了取得经济效益。Cannot see apiculture only " when tide falls " building smooth county army to leave end of apiarian of beekeeper of Xie Jun of emeritus cadre retreat is to obtain economic benefits.

我国蜂业发展具有很大的比较优势,可是在国际竞争中却处于劣势地位,政府行为的缺失是造成这种现象发生的主要原因之一。Chinese apiculture is in an inferior position, though it has a great comparative advantage over other countries. One of the major reasons is lack of the government necessary behavior.

近年来,随着国家对蜂业的重视和支持,中国养蜂学研究工作取得长足发展。In the recognition and support of the government, apiculture had a great development in China in recent years. This paper described the advances of apicultural research in China in detail.

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黄山市蜂产品营养保健厂,主要以蜂产品开发和深加工为主,是黄山市蜂业产业化龙头企业。Huangshan Nutritional and Hygienical Honey Products Factory, which focuses on the development and in-depth manufacture of apiculture products is a leading enterprise in apiculture industrialization.