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你刚杀了个吸尘器。You killed the vacuum cleaner.

先用吸尘器将地毯灰尘吸净。Clean dust with vacuum cleaner.

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那里也比纽约干净。It's a lot cleaner than New York.

我在街道上做清道夫。I do street cleaner on the street.

吸尘器把灰尘都吸进去了。The vacuum cleaner sucked up dirt.

你是一个整理者,还是仅仅是一个清洁者?。Are you an unclutterer or a cleaner?

首先,它是一台真空吸尘器。First of all, it's a vacuum cleaner.

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真空吸尘器的吸力很弱。The vacuum cleaner has weak suction.

不要胡乱使用吸尘器。Don't bang your vacuum cleaner about.

那我是清洁工坐飞机能不能打六折?The plane is cleaner can beat six fold?

救命!这台吸尘器吸住我的脸了!Help! This vacuum cleaner sucks my face!

我用地板除垢剂废除油污。I use the floor cleaner to remove grease.

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我雇用了一个保洁员给我打扫房间。I hired a house cleaner to clean my rooms.

我过去在医院里做保洁员。I used to work as a cleaner in a hospital.

灰尘被吸入了吸尘器。The dust is drawn into the vacuum cleaner.

制造商必须把这些清洁车卖掉。Manufacturers must sell these cleaner cars.

李太太的家比苗太太的干净。Mrs. Li's house is cleaner than Mrs. Miao's.

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我有一台洗碗机、一家干洗店还有一个好丈夫。I have a dishwasher, a cleaner and a husband.

我的父亲是本地一家造纸厂的清洁工。My father is a cleaner at a local paper mill.

需要一种光亮而不留擦痕的洗涤剂吗?。Need a cleaner that shines without scratching?