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对这些人而言,非暴力是一项原则。They followed the way of principled nonviolence.

在美国,美国公司需要采取有原则的立场。And in America, American companies need to make a principled stand.

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中国在巴勒斯坦问题上的原则立场没有变化。China's principled stance on the Palestine issue remains unchanged.

为此,我们约请设计师做一个原则性的答复。For this reason, we asked the designer to make a principled response.

唐家璇重申了中国在中东问题上的原则立场。Tang reiterated China's principled position on the Middle East issue.

中国对法规的执行仍然是指令性的而非原则性的。China's operation of law is still instrumental rather than principled.

中国对法规的执行仍然是指令性的而非原则性的。China’s operation of law is still instrumental rather than principled.

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有原则的务实合作是实现两国共同繁荣的关键。Principled and pragmatic cooperation is the key to our shared prosperity.

罗方将继续坚持一个中国的原则立场。Romania will continue to firmly adhere to the one-China principled position.

采取讲求原则、注重实效的集体立场,反对分裂势力。A collective stand, principled and pragmatic, against forces that would divide us.

他的医生父亲雷德哈·哈桑说,儿子是个理想主义者,很有原则和自我道德约束。His father, Redha Hassan, a doctor, said his son is an idealist, principled and moral.

而对以反对军事叛变为原则的非洲联盟来说,这将是无法容忍的行为。It would also be anathema to the African Union's principled stand against military coups.

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她聪慧过人,富有原则,口齿伶俐,而且她还拥有一颗属于战士的心。She is intelligent, principled , extremely articulate, and she has the heart of a warrior.

前瞻、注重原则及真诚的友谊都是加拿大价值观的内容。Forward-looking, principled and meaningful friendship, all are included in Canadian values.

提出了钠硅渣湿法处理的工业原则工艺流程。It puts forward principled process flowsheet of the wet treatment with sodium-silicon slag.

然而,索尔仁尼琴在瓦杜兹并没有像西方人士那样兴奋。But, in Vaduz, Solzhenitsyn, a principled conservative, could not join in the West's euphoria.

我们迫切需要昂山素季所具备的那种高尚而有原则性的领导才能。We desperately need the kind of moral and principled leadership that Aung San Suu Kyi would provide.

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这个演讲建立在一系列实用性和原则性的辩词上,这些辩词在今时今日已为人熟知。The speech was builtupon a series of practical and principled arguments, many of which arenow famous.

立案阶段的调解应当坚持以效率、快捷为原则,避免案件在立案阶段积压。Mediation after acceptance should be principled on effectiveness and efficiency, so as to avoid overstock.

有人认为她出走是因为坚持原则,目的是为了保护新闻的质量,而很显然,她担心新闻的质量已经受到威胁。Some saw it as a principled move to protect quality journalism that she apparently feared was under threat.