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第三,多学习他身上的优点!Third, We should study his strongpoint much more.

众所周知,对女人来说,丰满是个优点。And as we all know, chubbiness is a strongpoint for a woman.

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对色彩和点、线节奏的敏感,是吴冠中在艺术上的优胜之处。The sensitivity to color and the rhythm of dot and line is really Wu strongpoint in art.

基于红外传感器的计数方法有其独特的优点,将是的最好的选择之一。A counting method based on infrared sensors would be one of the best choices because of its strongpoint.

MFA控制器在双酚A系统中成功的应用显示了其独特的优点。MFA controller shows its particular strongpoint in bisphenol a control system of successful application.

缆桥接入技术的优点是布网简单、成本低廉,可以提供满足下一代网络的功能及性能。Its strongpoint is low cost , easy deployment and satisfy the request of NGN in function and performance.

目的探讨皮瓣骨膜悬吊下睑袋切除术的优点、适应症。Objective To explore indication and strongpoint of lower blepharoplasty of suspending flap to periosteum.

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阐述了该系统与传统的GIS系统相比,在系统开发、系统扩展和系统集成等方面所体现的优点。GIS, expounds the strongpoint that on the system development, system spreads and system integration and so on.

首先,总结和分析了各种交流采样算法的基本原理、适用范围、优点与不足。First this paper sun-up and analyze some kinds of arithmetic, give the strongpoint and shortcoming about the arithmetic.

我们希望对其学术要有一个正确而公允的评价,扬其长而避其短。Now we hope, people have a fair-minded opinion on his academe, which can develop his strongpoint and avoid his shortcoming.

我院体育馆采用网架屋面,这种屋面具有重量轻、强度高、周期短、安装方便等优点。Net-Frame housetop with strongpoint of light weight, high intension, short periods, easy installation, is used in my college.

在实验室中进行模型实验,虽有直观、形象等优点,但通常存在费用高、进度慢等缺点。The experimentation has the strongpoint of idiographic and visual , but it has the disadvantage of long period and high charge.

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考察鲁迅生平和著作所显现的思想脉络可以看出,他“立人”的理论支点是人的自由存在。Viewed from Lu Xun's life and thought expressed on his works, the theoretical strongpoint of "to be a man" is man's free living.

该系统具有调节时间短,过渡过程平稳,抗干扰性能好等优点。The controller has lots of strongpoint such as the short adjust time, the smooth intergradations, and the well anti-interference.

介绍了陀螺定向测量中三种不同的数据采集方法,分析了各种方法的优缺点。Three methods of data collecting in the gyro- orientation are discussed and the strongpoint and demerit of each method are analyzed.

交通事故成因研究一直是我校汽车学科的优势和特色方向,在国内一直保持着很大的影响力。The study of the cause of road accident is the strongpoint of DUT in automobile engineering field, which has great influence in China.

而日本三菱公司的强制冷却方法在350MW机组上的很好运用,相比较其他机组其优点得到充分体现。Compared its application with other units, the application of MHI forced cooling method in Hejin 350MW unit has its unique strongpoint.

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介绍了4.2MW燃水煤浆热水锅炉的结构、设计运行参数、锅炉的工作过程和先进性。The paper introduced construction, design and operation parameters, work processes and strongpoint of 4.2MW CWM fired hot-water boiler.

质的研究和量的研究各有所长,片面强调某一种都是不恰当的。It is irrelevant to emphasize only one method, for the qualitative research and the quantitative research all have their own strongpoint.

韦昌辉故居位于金田村内,是起义军打造武器的秘密据点。Wei Chang Hui former home is located in the Jin Tian village inner , is is that the insurrectionary army makes confidential weapon strongpoint.