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年伦敦爆发了腺鼠疫。Bubonic plague struck London in 1665.

他们还排除了图坦卡蒙患有黑死病或肺结核。They also ruled out bubonic plague or tuberculosis.

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这种肺病与黑死病一样,是由同一种杆菌引起的。The lung disease is caused by the same bacterium as bubonic plague.

瑞士细菌学家,曾发现了产生黑死病的杆状菌。Swiss bacteriologist who discovered the bacillus that causes bubonic plague.

那里,几乎可以说曾经是天花和黑死病生生不息的污水坑。It was a kind of cesspit constantly seething with smallpox and bubonic plague.

肺鼠疫同样是由出现在黑死病中的的细菌引起的。Pneumonic plague is caused by the same bacterium that occurs in bubonic plague.

每一种出血热都如同淋巴腺鼠疫一样可致人于死地,至少一开始如此。Each of these haemorrhagic fevers was as lethal as bubonic plague, at least at first.

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因此在15世纪,来自法语的"pest"是指瘟疫,淋巴腺鼠疫以及黑死病。So back in the 1400s, from French, “the pest” was the plague, bubonic plague, black death.

鼠疫事件的应急、响应、终止和善后处理。Bubonic plague event should the rest, the response, the termination genial post-processing.

以上图片内容是2003年阿尔及利亚一例感染淋巴结鼠疫的病人。Pictured above is a man who suffered bubonic plague during the outbreak in Algeria in 2003.

与宠物过于亲密的接触大大提高了感染蠕虫或鼠疫这样疾病的几率。Pet owners may increase the chances of contracting everything from worms to the bubonic plague.

DNA还显示图特王可能并未患过黑死病、肺结核、麻风病及黑热病。DNA also shows that Tut was probably spared bubonic plague, tuberculosis, leprosy or leishmaniasis.

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较常见的晚期腺鼠疫将造成血液中存在鼠疫杆菌。More commonly advanced stages of bubonic plague will result in the presence of Y. pestis in the blood.

通常肺鼠疫是由最初腺鼠疫晚期感染的继发性传播引起的。Typically, pneumonic form is due to a secondary spread from advanced infection of an initial bubonic form.

在30年之战中,据估计约8百万德国人丧身于黑死病和斑疹伤寒。In the Thirty Years’ War, an estimated 8 million Germans were wiped out by bubonic plague and typhus fever.

14世纪的欧洲,鼠疫的流行在短短几年内夺去了大约三分之一人口的生命。In fourteenth-century Europe, the bubonic plague wiped out about one-third of the population within a few years.

这场在公元541年从中国传播到君士坦丁堡的鼠疫在传播到最顶峰时,曾在一天里就造成一万人死亡。The bubonic plague slipped into Constantinople from China in 541 AD killing up to 10, 000 people a day at its peak.

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根据一项新的研究成果,一段漫长的潮湿天气引发了中世纪腺鼠疫的蔓延。A prolonged period of wet weather spurred the spread of the Bubonic plague in medieval times, according to a new study.

淋巴结鼠疫的发病原因是受感染跳蚤的叮咬。In this incident, almost have of the European population. The bubonic plague is caused normally by the bite of an infected flea.

以黑死病为例,最常见的方式是通过跳蚤叮咬传染给人类,而跳蚤在啮齿类动物身上生存。Take bubonic plague, for example. The disease is most commonly transmitted to humans through flea bites, and the fleas live on rodents.