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建立功能表。Create a menu.

创建标签。Create labels.

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创造出口。Create outlets.

围成一个圆圈。Create a circle.

创造一个咒语。Create a mantra.

创建一个映像。Create an image.

为什么骚动?Why create uproar?

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创建一个最大化。Create a maximizer.

创建一个极小。Create a minimizer.

创编一张歌曲列表。Create a song list.

创建和探索。Create and Explore.

创造“相拥时刻”。Create cuddle time.

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创建一笔备用基金。Create a slush fund.

为你自己而创作。Create for yourself.

创建一个拥抱村。Create a hug-a- thon.

创造一张新的发货票。Create a new invoice.

创建一个新项目。Create a new project.

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创建一个星型模式。Create a star schema.

创建两个新图像。Create two new images.

为每个操作创建一行说明。Create a line for each.