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寺庙中的朝圣者,西宁,越南,1961。Worshipers in Temple, Tay Ninh, Vietnam, 1961

泰先生每个月的所做的雕塑还非常有限。Mr. Tay sells just a few sculptures every month.

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泰河与特威德河是苏格兰两个主要的三文鱼渔场。The Rivers Tay and Tweed are major salmon fisheries.

偿还的贷款保证在江浙地区还贷期间保持不变。Repayment guaranteed to tay the ame throughout the length of the loan.

佩思苏格兰中部一城镇,位于泰河河畔、爱丁堡西北偏北。A burgh of central Scotland on the Tay River north-northwest of Edinburgh.

郑源福,“根与芽”无污染办公项目专员。Tay Guan Hock Marcus is Roots & Shoots Eco office Evaluation Programme Coordinator.

罗伯茨先生太太,戴先生,让我简单解释协议书的内容。Mr. and Mrs. Roberts and Mr. Tay. let me explain the terms of this tenancy agreement.

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是一位自学成才的木匠,21岁时离开中国前往新加坡。Mr. Tay Teck Sim, a self-taught carpenter left China for Singapore when he was 21 years old.

苏格兰东部一地区,位于福斯湾和泰湾之间。曾是皮科特王国的土地。A region of eastern Scotland between the Firths of Forth and Tay. It was once a Pict kingdom.

他深深相信将菩提中学盖建在银禧老人院旁边是正确的。He was convinced that sitting the Phor Tay School, adjacent to the Silver Jubilee Home, is correct.

不过,郑伟旭表示,康桥也希望加强面向中国机构的咨询业务。But Mr Tay says the firm is also hoping to increase its consulting business with Chinese institutions.

RQH型人工气候箱是集温度、湿度、光照度控制于一体。RQH Series climate incubator gathers with temperature gathers with temperature, humidity and tay radiation.

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有意知道几时熊市,请继续留意由天秤调整技术创办人-郑辉权博士分析的影片。If you wish to know when is the bear market, kindly keep track of Dr Vincent Tay stock market analyst video.

在1909年之前,中国的地图来看,我们看到,有没有南萨萨和泰群岛符号。Looking at the Chinese maps before 1909, we see that there is no notation of Tay Sa and Nam Sa archipelagos.

自2008年8月起,河西省的怀德地区并入河内,新建了许多房子。Since Hoai Duc district of Ha Tay province became emerged in Hanoi in August 2008, many new houses have been built.

作为计划的一部分,克莱门茨先生说他和他的同事想要精确定位泰河的准确源头。As part of the project, Mr Clements said he and his colleagues wanted to determine the exact source of the River Tay.

泰先生持有在伦敦大学管理学荣誉学士学位,以及英国华威大学工商管理硕士学位。Tay holds an honors degree in management studies from University of London, and an MBA from University of Warwick, UK.

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我们今天启用双溪赖菩提中学的新礼堂追思拿督斯里陈火炎。Today, we are gathered together here in the Hall of the new Phor Tay School at Sungei Dua to pay our homage to his memory.

相反,如果戴先生未能完成正式租约,戴先生须付出双倍订金补偿予罗伯茨先生。On the contrary, if Mr. Tay cannot complete the agreement, then Mr. Tay is responsible to pay to Mr. Roberts double the deposit money.

在越南西宁,正在祈祷的高台教教徒。他们在午夜聚集在众多的盘龙柱中间和天眼之下,来纪念造物主的诞辰。Massed at midnight amid dragon pillars and beneath the Eye of God, praying Caodaists at Tay Ninh, Vietnam, mark the Day of the Creator.