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膝闭节半月硬骨切除术。Excision of semilunar cartilage of knee joint.

它是软骨组织包裹喉形成。It is composed of cartilage which surrounds the larynx.

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形成的新生软骨为透明软骨样组织。The repair tissue be confirmed to be hyaline cartilage.

犁鼻软骨的横切面呈“J”形。The vomeronasal cartilage is J-shaped in cross-section.

刮除软骨膜,暴露软骨。The cartilage was exposed by scraping the perichondrium.

第二年,同一个膝盖半月板撕裂。The next year, he tore meniscus cartilage in the same knee.

软骨膜是向软骨输送血液的。The perichondrium carries the blood supply to the cartilage.

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软骨神经痛有没有有效的饮食治疗方法???Is cartilage neuralgic have effective food to treat a method? ? ?

就像你耳部和鼻子的软骨一样,他并没有什么重要的功能。Like the cartilage in your ears or nose, it's just kind of there.

取右膝股骨髁关节标本。Specimens of cartilage were harvested from right femoral condyles.

软骨肉瘤是产生软骨基质的恶性肿瘤。Chondrosarcomas are malignant tumors that produce cartilage matrix.

因为它还没有发育出足够坚硬,矿化了的软骨。Because it hasn’t developed enough stiff, mineralized cartilage yet.

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可是有很小一部分能形成软骨细胞形成软骨。A few, though, can produce chondrocytes, the cells that make cartilage.

本文观察了通过不同方法注射木瓜酶所引起的软骨损伤。Cartilage injury caused by injection with different methods was observed.

西蓝花中的化学物质萝卜硫素可以减缓软骨受损进程。A chemical, sulforaphane, in broccoli can slow down cartilage destruction.

软骨是由身体里的葡萄糖胺和软骨素构成的。Cartilage is formed from glucosamine and chondroitin sulphates in the body.

间叶干细胞能够分化成为骨、软骨或脂肪细胞。Mesenchymal stem cells can differentiate into bone, cartilage or fat cells.

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这例患者我们是在几个月后用捐赠的肋软骨实施手术的。In the case of this patient, we did operation by using donated rib cartilage.

软骨原细胞随后开始产生纤维软骨。Chondroblasts then begin to produce a type of cartilage called fibrocartilage.

微量元素硒对T-2毒素致关节软骨和心肌损害有明显的保护作用。Element Se can protect arthrodial cartilage and cardiac muscle from T-2 toxin.