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但是我们仍需要采用简化论方法来达到目的。But reductionism is still needed to get there.

受简约论思想支配的决定论和还原论越来越显示出自身的先天不足。Determinism controlled by reductionism is becoming self-deficient more and more visibly.

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现代化约主义是一种经由一个困难的现时前行的生存策略。The Modern reductionism is a strategy of survival on the way through a difficult present.

方法论还原论则是科学认识与研究所必需的方法论手段。Methodological Reductionism is a necessary method of science′s acknowledgement and research.

这种简化法引进了明显的二元论,我基督教的同事更感适应。This reductionism brings in apparent dualisms, with which my Judeo-Christian colleagues seem comfortable.

计算主义纲领关于生命现象或过程是可计算的主张,与关于生命现象的还原论是一脉相承的。Algorithmism asserts that phenomena and process of biosis are computable, and this assertion has gone on with Reductionism.

现代科学和后现代科学分别体现的是还原论和整体论的思维方式。Modern science and postmodern science respectively embody two different modes of thinking, that is, reductionism and holism.

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复杂性科学之所以获得如此的盛誉,主要是因为它在科学方法论上的突破。The arising of complexity sciences gives strong impact on traditional methodology of science, such as reductionism , holism, etc.

复杂系统是相当普遍的客观现实,必须树立整体观,突破还原论的局限性。As complex system commonly and objectively exists, must have an outlook of totality and break though the limitation of reductionism.

中医整体论与西医还原论分别源自中西方的哲学。Holism of traditional chinese medicine and reductionism of western medicine originate from chinese and western philosphy respectively.

简化论的哲学思想是理解组成一个对象的各个部分能够帮助你更好的理解这个对象本身。Reductionism is the philosophical principle that the whole of an object can best be understood by understanding the parts that make it up.

以前对虚拟企业的研究都是用还原论的方法从技术、从产品、从服务等角度来分析虚拟企业。Former investigations into Virtual Enterprise are undertaken from the angles of technology, products and service, etc. by the method of reductionism.

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复杂系统是相当普遍的客观现实只有树立整体观,才能突破还原论的局限性。The complex system is quite a universal objective reality. Only by forming a viewpoint of totality can limitations of reductionism be broken through.

复杂性科学在对还原论进行批判和超越、对整体论进行追求和超越的基础上,创建了自己特有的方法论——融贯论。Based on criticising and surpassing reductionism and pursuing and surpassing wholism, complexity science establishes its own unique methodology-coherentism.

中医药现代研究为时尚短,成就有限,使有些人将现代分析研究方法斥之为还原论局限而多方怀疑。Modern Study of TCM starts not for long with limited achievement, so modern analysis methods is used in TCM that caused much more doubts about Reductionism.

从而在方法论上使得中国传统身体训练有了整体观的价值取向,而西方身体训练则走向了还原论的发展轨道上。Therefore, the value orientation of Chinese traditional physical training comes into being while western physical training goes to the road of reductionism.

传统教育一般从还原论的角度,将学科知识体系进行客观分析后传递给学生。The disciplines knowledge system was generally impersonality analysed by the traditional education based on reductionism before it being transferred to the student.

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在反思过去研究中受朴素还原论错误影响的基础上试用系统方法探讨中医证的本质。Based on rethinking the pervious studies influenced by naive reductionism , the essence of TCM syndrome was tried to be explored with systems approach in this paper.

因而钱老坚持认为,必须用辩证唯物主义的观点来指导,用整体论与还原论辩证统一的方法去研究。Qian Xuesen held that human body science must be founded under the guidance of dialectical materialism and with the method of dialectical unity of reductionism and holism.

几个世纪以来,在还原论和唯物主义的掩盖下,这种系统发展了一套精细的科学和宗教框架,多方面否认因果轮回。Over the centuries it has developed an elaborate scientific and religious framework that in its reductionism and materialism denies the continuity of consequences in many ways.