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一言以蔽之,尊重用户方能实现多赢。By respecting our users, everyone wins.

他的勇气不禁令人肃然起敬。His courage make me respecting for him.

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不够尊重孕育进步的过程。Not respecting the gestation of improvement.

爱情是尊重事实,并且不做作。Love is respecting the truth and never pretending.

如若没有遵照机型限制要求,此航段将不会得到批准。Non respecting of this will result in a rejected leg.

我尊重你的判断力,这就是个绝好的开始。And respecting your judgment is a great place to start.

协调并尊重社会规范需要时间,”他说。Coordinating and respecting norms takes time, ” he says.

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后来,我后悔听了他的话,顺了他的意。Later, I would regret listening to him, respecting his wishes.

倾述,倾听和尊敬事名,从不假装。Telling, listening, respecting the truth and never pretending.

尊敬老人是中华民族长期持有的传统美德。Respecting the elders is a long-held, traditional Chinese virtue.

和尊重美国的价值并让其在全世界成为榜样。And respecting and exemplifying America's values around the world.

任何一个有足够勇气泅渡英吉利海峡的人都值得人尊敬。Any man brave enough to swim across the Channel is worth respecting.

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在古代中国,有一个著名的关于尊敬师长的故事。In ancient China, there was a famous story about respecting teachers.

要反对不尊重知识分子的错误思想。The erroneous attitude of not respecting intellectuals must be opposed.

因此,为什么我们要劳烦文档的作者说明一个固定的顺序呢?So, why should we bother document writers with respecting a fixed order?

“预算安排是对你的劳动的尊重”的过程,Thakor说。The process of "budgeting is respecting your life's energy, " says Thakor.

遵循SOA的原则你就向云迈了一大步。Respecting the SOA principles is a great step in your journey to the Cloud.

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尊老爱幼是中华民族的传统美德。Respecting the old and caring for the young is a traditional Chinese virtue.

他们的目标是首先确保幸存者的人身健康,同时并尊重遇难者。Their goal was to ensure the health of the living while respecting the dead.

鉴于上述情况,我们提出以下建议。Respecting the above-mentioned facts,we wish to make the following proposals.