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天旱使树叶枯萎。Leaves shrivel in autumn.

如此一来,心灵便会枯萎,黯淡无光。So we began to shrivel up inside.

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这种四分体最终萎缩或被再吸收。The tetrads eventually shrivel or are resorbed.

在阳光的直射下,小苗会枯萎的。Under the direct sunlight young plants will shrivel up.

你的财富、名望和尘世的权力都将消失,变得无关紧要。Your wealth, fame and temporal power will shrivel to irrelevance.

如果他们被跨国收养,他们与家庭成员保持联系的机会几乎没有了。If they move to another country, their chances of staying in touch with family members shrivel.

为什么政界和商界及金融界的顶尖高手面对金融危机却束手无策呢?!Why finial superior from political and business circle feel so shrivel in face of financial crisis?

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某些植物为了生存努力挣扎战斗,却最终以失败告终,枯萎死亡。Unlike some plants that struggle to survive, lose the battle, shrivel and die, garden weeds are indomitable.

“以前我确信自己如果不吃肉,就会衰弱而死。”一位热衷于健美的邮差先生乔伊舒奈德回想道。"I was sure I'd shrivel up and die if I didn't eat meat, " recalls Joe Schneider, a mailman who is into bodybuilding.

你的财富、声望和世俗的权力都将与你脱离关系。你所拥有的和所亏欠的都将与你不相干。Your wealth fame and temporal power will shrivel to irrelevance. It will not matter what you owned or what you were owed.

每天,带着兴奋和惭愧,玛丽跋涉到满怀希望的邮箱前,只是为了打开,关上然后偷偷溜进屋子。Each day , with strength and shame, Mary trudged to the letterbox in hope, only to swivel , shrivel and slink back inside.

你的财富、名望和凡世的权力都将变得卑微,成为无关紧要的东西。你欠了世人什么,世人又欠了你什么,所有这一切都不再重要。Your wealth, fame and temporal power will shrivel to irrelevance. It will not matter what you owned or what you were owed.

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你的财富、名望和凡世的权力都将变得卑微,成为无关紧要的东西。Your wealth, fame and temporal power will shrivel to irrelevance 1. It will not matter what you owned or what you were owed.

你的财富、名声以及暂时的权势都将化为尘烟。你的所有,以及别人对你的亏欠,不过是些鸿毛。Your wealth, fame and temporal power will shrivel 1 to irrelevance 2 . It win not matter what you owned or what you were owed.

知道气候变化会减少他们收成的葡萄酒种植户们得以谋事在前,但为未来种植是场赌博。Knowing that climate change could shrivel their harvests, winegrowers can plan ahead, but planting for the future can be a gamble.

我的一位中年朋友说,我应当接受这一不可避免的事实,让骨络变得脆弱,皮肤枯萎松弛,头发稀疏变白。My middle-aged friend says I should accept the inevitable, let the bones turn brittle, the skin shrivel and sag, the hair grey and thin.

区域内的普通植物处于绿灰的腐败阴影之下。它们如染病般的枯萎和黯淡,只留下凋零和染病的土地。Normal plants in the area turn putrid shades of green and gray. They shrivel and darken as disease leaves the ground blighted and infectious.

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叔本华曾预测,一旦科学的洞见之光驱散了无知的黑暗,宗教就会萎缩。Schopenhauer predicted, incidentally, that once the light of scientific insight dispelled the darkness of ignorance, religions would shrivel.

同性恋这件事是很重要,我的确为它付出了一些时间,但是它们于通天塔般高耸的爱问题相比,也不过是蔫了的咸蜗牛罢了。Gay issues are important and I shall come to them in a moment, but they shrivel like a salted snail when compared to the towering question of love.

橡圈结扎法-用一个橡皮圈去结扎痔团截断它的血运,痔会因缺血和缺氧而枯萎。Ligation – a tight rubber band is wrapped around the haemorrhoids to cut off their blood supply. Starved of oxygen and nutrients, the haemorrhoids shrivel.