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很少有人切实关注可卡因或海洛因等硬毒品的合法化措施。Few people are realistically looking at measures to legalise hard drugs such as cocaine or heroin.

改革必须是政党合法化,这或许会给保守的普什图族人另一个打击的政治目标。Reforms could also legalise political parties, which may give conservative Pushtuns a political alternative to fighting.

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例如摩根大通把反堕胎组织和想让印度大麻合法化的机构排除在竞赛之外时,就导致了强烈的不满。Chase, for example, caused a fuss by excluding a pro-life group and an outfit that wants to legalise cannabis from its competition.

比如说,大通银行将一家反堕胎团体和一个提倡大麻合法化的团队排除比赛,此事引起轩然大波。Ch as e, for example, caused a fuss by excluding a pro-life group and an outfit that wants to legalise cannabis from its competition.

“他还说,法律应基于”没有食品安全问题“的原因将克隆后代食品的销售合法化。He added that the law should be changed to legalise the sale of food from clone descendants on the basis ‘there is no food safety issue’.

非法赌波日益猖獗,政府财赤又日益严峻。政府于2000年首次提出有需要把赌波合法化。The government first floated the need to legalise soccer betting in 2000 amid growing concer over illegal gambling and soaring budget deficits.

但是尽管州级政府循规蹈矩的进行大麻交易,但联邦政府和国会仍然坚决反对毒品。But even as moves to legalise and regularise the business continue at state level, the federal government and Congress remain dead set against the drug.

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在佛罗里达成为美国第七个允许使用尸体液化机的州的几天后,位于圣彼得堡市的一家名为安德森麦克昆殡仪馆也安装了这一设备。The Anderson-McQueen funeral home in St Petersburg had the body liquefier put in just days after Florida became the seventh state to legalise the machines.

当主教说离婚是反对菲律宾的行为,为离婚立法就是对婚姻制度的贬低的时候,人们就把主教的话奉为圣旨。And when the bishops say that divorce is anti-Filipino, and to legalise it would be to cheapen the institution of marriage, people take that message seriously.

“上层精英”们则从骨子里其实是欧洲人,这帮家伙吃“芝麻菜”,在办公室和大学里做些娘娘腔的工作,还图谋枪支管制和同性恋婚姻合法化。Condescending elites" are crypto-Europeans—the sort of people who eat arugula, do sissified jobs in offices and universities, and scheme to ban guns and legalise gay marriage."