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控制不住的骑士冲动?Uncontrollable urges of chivalry?

请让我们证明骑士还活着。Please let us prove chivalry is alive.

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所以,女士们,请不要说骑士精神消失了。So please, ladies don't say chivalry is dead.

佩服中世纪武士的侠义精神。He admires the chivalry of knights in Middle Ages.

嘉德勋位是古老的骑士勋位。The Order of the Garter is an ancient order of chivalry.

他们的传统是骑士精神和所有骑士所具有的品质。Their traditions include chivalry and all the knightly things.

老舍小说蕴涵了鲜明的墨侠精神。Lao She's fictions contain the distinct spirit of Mohism and chivalry.

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唐代是咏侠诗的繁荣鼎盛时期。Tang Dynasty was a period of full boom of the chant poems on chivalry.

淫靡的宫廷风气和荒诞的骑士风尚都已达到鼎盛的时期。Lax court morals and the absurd chivalry business were in full feather.

我就四处寻找土拨鼠和鼬鼠,很想表演我的骑士精神。And looked round for a woodchuck or a skunk to exercise my chivalry upon.

我厌倦了听到“骑士精神已经消亡”或者“男人们是多么的糟糕”,而且很难过。I am tired of hearing about chivalry being dead and how all men are awful.

整个骑士精神的概念就是把它包装起来,使它令人尊敬。The whole notion of chivalry was about dressing it up to make it respectable.

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你会发现这么一点传统的骑士精神会让你在床上所向披靡的。You’ll find that a little old-fashioned chivalry goes a long way in the bedroom!

你不可能真的相信,骑士风度不再存在是男人自己的意志吧。Women, you cannot honestly believe chivalry has died because of men's own volition.

骑士的时代已经过去,现在是智者、经济学家和计算机天才的时代。The age of Chivalry was gone. The sophisters, economists, and calculators succeeded.

骑士精神和宫廷爱情密不可分,是中世纪欧洲突出的文化现象。Chivalry and courtly love, closely related, were at the heart of medieval culture in Europe.

我知道骑士精神的准则不会允许我这样做,但有时我真想掐死那个圆滚滚的女人。I know the rules of chivalry forbid it, but sometimes I feel like choking that chubby woman.

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魏晋六朝时代,崇侠尚武意识带有明显的非道德性倾向。In Six Weijin Dynasties, consciousness of chivalry and force had evident non-moral tendency.

虽然陈腐的道德已经没落,他却仍然坚守遭到怀疑的骑士风范。For he still clung, amid the decay of moral platitudes, to the discredited ideal of chivalry.

虽然陈腐的道德已经没落,他却仍然坚守遭到怀疑的骑士风范。For he still clung, amid the decay of moral platitudes, to the discredited ideal of chivalry.