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主人赏给他一锭银子。His master granted him a small ingot of silver.

请报铝锭每公吨单价。Planate unit price per m. t. for aluminum ingot.

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一种看上去像一个锭,非常生动。One kind looked like an ingot and was very vivid.

这块钢锭太大,不能送进炉内。This steel ingot is too large to be moved into the furnace.

株洲和茂专业生产铟锭,铟珠,精铟,价格有竞争力!Zhuzhou Hemao Trade Co. , Ltd Specializing in indium ingot.

又是一个大铁锭!!!呜呼!!!难道天下真的没有比较正规的锏了吗???Another big cast iron ingot ! ! ! Is there any regular mace???

指出加入细化剂和稀土元素对改善铸锭质量有重要作用。The addition of refiner and RE can improve the quality of ingot.

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这样具有良好表面光洁度的高质量钢锭就生产出来了。Thus a high quality ingot with good surface finis. is. produced.

炼钢炉炼出的钢材可能用来造小轿车或者摩天大楼,但不可能一块钢材两个都造。A steel mill's ingot goes into a sedan or a skyscraper, but not both.

此外,饺子的形状就像是从中国古代的金元宝。Also, the shape of the dumpling is like gold ingot from ancient China.

市井人丛集,有换元宝还元宝等名”。Ichii were clustered, there are other names for gold ingot ingot also.

选择黄铜、工业纯铁进行滑移带观察样品的制备。Brass and ingot were selected for the preparation of slip band samples.

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成功地制订了“C8412钢锭传搁时间表”。A time table for transferring C8412 steel ingot is successfully drawn up.

简述了钢锭断面形状对厚板成材率的作用。This paper describes the effect of ingot cross section on thick plate yield.

因此,在进行钢锭模设计时,应综合考虑钢锭的质量和成材率。Therefore, both quality of steel ingot and yield are considered synthetically.

分析了7475铝合金扁锭裂纹、疏松倾向大的原因。The reason of 7475 alloy flat ingot crackle and loose combination are analysed.

阿凡提借了财主一锭金子,还他时给了他两锭。Afanty borrowed a small ingot of gold from a moneybags, but repaid him two ones.

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江西科泰新材料有限公司是一家专业提纯高纯锡锭的生产企业。Jiangxi KeTai Advanced Material Co. , Ltd. Major in high pure Tin ingot producer.

铜矿石开采后,多在开采地冶炼成铜锭后再运输到铸铜作坊。Copper ores are mainly transported to copper workshop after smelt to copper ingot.

第一次看到人们折纸元宝,打铁勺。It was the first time that she saw people making paper ingot and people making scoop.