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写作清晰,务必精简,避免赘言。Write clearly. Be concise.

刚健的文字都是简练的。Vigorous writing is concise.

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培根的多数小品文都很简洁。Most of Bacons essays are concise.

保持信息清晰简明。Keep the message clear and concise.

教学内容要少而精。Teaching content should be concise.

讲话——你的讲话应该简单明了。Your speech should be clear and concise.

这首诗写得十分精到,一点也不罗嗦。This poem is well written and very concise.

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写作清晰,务必精简,避免赘言。Write clearly. Be concise. Avoid wordiness.

简洁的意思是简、短、扼要。Concise means brief, to the point, or short.

他为他的发明写了一个简明的要。He wrote a concise summary of his invention.

他给出的答案大多短小精悍,逻辑清晰。Basically he gave very short, concise answers.

这是封恐吓信,信的内容简明扼要。As threats go, It was concise and to the point.

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美国旅行,简明版,合集。American Journey, Concise Edition, The, Combined.

美国旅行,简明版,卷I。American Journey, Concise Edition, The, Volume I.

美国旅行,简明版,卷II。American Journey, Concise Edition, The, Volume II.

机轻简约,结构紧凑。Concise machine surface and compact configuration.

它清晰地表达了意图而且更加简洁。It clearly expresses the intent. It's more concise.

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类型和函数的声明变得非常简洁。Declarations of types and functions are very concise.

尚贝格这篇简洁的小说“从多个侧面呈现了一个故事”。Shanbhag's concise novel gives "one story, many sides."

在运动中你的动作应该是缓慢和简练的。Your movements during exercise should be slow and concise.