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特技飞行是危险的运动。Aerobatics is a dangerous sport.

特技飞行是由飞机在空中表演的。Aerobatics are done by an airplane in the air.

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表演中最精彩的节目是特技飞行。The aerobatics were the best part of the show.

他们之中没有人虽然适合飞行表演。G 796. None of them were though suited for aerobatics.

Jonathan急切地学会高速飞行特技并使之达到极限。Jonathan can't wait to get to high speed aerobatics and pushing the envelope.

库存模型与刚性转子系统,固定转子就是为什么它可以做的特技。Stock model with a Rigid Rotor system, the fixed rotor is why it can do aerobatics.

请各位领导到贵宾席就座,欣赏航空表演和文艺表演。All of our leaders please take your seat and appreciate aerobatics and artist program.

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特技飞行变得更加容易,它更容易减缓一下飞机顺利降落。Aerobatics become easier, and its easier to slow the airplane down for a smooth landing.

鱼肉一直盘旋在其著名的风帆,在阳光下耀眼。Sailfish have been famous for their aerobatics with their sails dashing in the sunlight.

使用重型歼击机进行编队高级特技飞行,这在世界上是独一无二的。It will be the unique in the world for heavy fighter planes to perform in a team aerobatics display.

感受世界级飞行的震撼,特技飞机与战斗机在大峡谷竞飞。Feel the thrill of flying in a world class, aerobatics competition aircraft through the Grand Canyon!

任何危及其他参赛人员,或一般民众的操控,以及未经同意的特技飞行是被禁止的。Any manoeuvre hazardous to other competitors, or the public and unauthorised aerobatics is prohibited.

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随后,在一个现代协作展示中,表演了伞降,飞行特技和民间舞蹈。And in a display of contemporary co-ordination, there were parachute drops, aerial aerobatics and folk dancing.

一次“穿越天门特技飞行表演”,使张家界天门山闻名中外,成为热门旅游景区。A "through Tianmen performing aerobatics " makes Zhangjiajie Tianmen Mountain become a popular tourist attractions.

俄罗斯特技飞行队的猎鹰在苏-27战斗机在莫斯科国际航空展上执行2009年8月23日。The aerobatics team Russian Falcons in Su-27 fighter jets perform at the Moscow International Air Show on August 23, 2009.

昆虫的飞行特技确实令人赞叹不已。可是这些昆虫在飞行方面是怎样胜过人类的飞行器的呢?The aerobatics of insects are truly amazing, but what enables these creatures to excel in flight beyond any human flying machines?

“银鹰”是南非空军的特技飞行表演队,在全国巡回演出中展示其精确的队形和特技表演。The Silver Falcons are the SAAF's aerobatic team that perform precision formation and aerobatics displays at airshows around the country.

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余旭生于四川省省会成都,是中国人民解放军空军八一飞行表演队的成员,享年30岁。Yu Xu 30 who was born in Chengdu the capital of Sichuan was a member of the August 1 aerobatics team of thePeople's Liberation Army Air Force.

法国特技飞行队法国巡逻兵上执行2009年8月22日在莫斯科国际2009年在茹科夫斯基,俄罗斯国际航空展。French aerobatics team Patrouille de France performs during the MAKS 2009 international aerospace show in Zhukovsky, Russia on August 22, 2009.

很多设计师喜欢用木制桁杂技飞机,因为木头会更好地承受载荷的弯曲特技飞行期间实施。Many designers prefer to use wooden spars in acrobatic aircraft because the wood will better withstand the bending loads imposed during aerobatics.