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是波义耳定律。The ideal gas thermometer.

温度计上是华氏70度。The thermometer marked 70℉.

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寒暑表是多少度?。What does the thermometer say?

把体温计放到嘴里。Put a thermometer in the mouth.

那个温度计不一定准。That thermometer must be lying.

要象恒温器,不要象温度计。Be a thermostat not a thermometer.

哦,我知道了,给我体温计看一下。Oh, Iknow. Give me the thermometer.

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温度计测温度。A thermometer gauges the temperature.

把体温表放在嘴里。Please the thermometer in your mouth.

她把体温表放入他口中。She put the thermometer in his mouth.

温度计上的读数是九十六度。A thermometer is graduated in degrees.

把体温计放在您的舌头下面。Put this thermometer under you tongue.

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寒暑表的读数是96度。The reading of the thermometer was 96.

我不会看温度表上的度数。I can't read what the thermometer says.

把这体温表放在舌头底下。Put thIs thermometer under your tongue.

把体温计放在您的舌头下面。Put this thermometer under your tongue.

温度计上是华氏70度。The thermometer stood at 70 Fahrenheit.

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体温表量出她有热度。She registered fever on the thermometer.

寒暑表昨夜降至零度。The thermometer fell to zero last night.

温度计是意大利人发明的。The thermometer is an Italian invention.