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我们必须保持高度的警惕。We have to stay vigilant.

我们必须时刻保持警惕。We must remain ever vigilant.

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我立刻坐直身保持警惕。I sat up straight to stay vigilant.

你警觉的身体已经令我变成一个盗墓贼。Your vigilant body turns me into a ghoul.

但中国的安全部队还是要保持警惕。But China’s security forces will be vigilant.

这才是我们需要极为警惕的事情。That's where we need to be extremely vigilant.

所有的工作人员都应警惕火险。All personnel should be vigilant against fire hazards.

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那就是为什么对于性病预防要保持警惕。That's why you have to be vigilant about STD prevention.

胡尔特博士说,与此同时,人们要保持警惕。In the meantime, Dr. Huerta says people have to be vigilant.

但是正像本周末我们再次显示的那样,我们依然保持警惕。But as we are showing again this weekend, we remain vigilant.

居安思危也是一个民族成熟的表现。To be vigilant in peace time is what a mature nation should do.

兹毕克召集了一些家长,要他们保持警觉性地去发现这些才能。Zbik calls on parents to be vigilant in spotting these talents.

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即使那样,你也需要经常对自己的体重的变化保持警醒。Even then, you may always have to remain vigilant about your weight.

还有这个可以常常看得到,让我们能心生警惕的环境。We can often witness people like this, who remind us to be vigilant.

中国要警惕右,但更要防“左”。China needs to be vigilant against the Right deviation, but primarily.

他敦促非专科医生和急症室对可能发生的病例保持警觉。He urged GPs and casualty departments to be vigilant for possible cases.

主人来到时,遇见醒寤著的那些仆人,是有福的。Blessed are those servants whom the master finds vigilant on his arrival.

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因此要对清洁保持高度警醒,尤其是当你的家里有患者。So be vigilant about cleaning, especially if someone in your home is ill.

游客也应保持警惕,避免人群聚集点。Tourists should also remain vigilant at other locations where crowds may gather.

如果消费者在市面上见到其他颜色的彩棉,请您提高警惕。If consumers see other colors of colored cotton in the market, please be vigilant.