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我的心赢了。My heart won.

在抢七中,她以7-4获胜。Henin won it 7-4.

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我赢了这场辩论!I won the debate!

这场比赛谁赢了?Who won the game?

但是我赢得了这场比赛。But I won the race.

他们嬴了这场比赛。They won the match.

一颗好心抵得过黄金。Won gold in a kind.

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我们俩共获一个奖品。We both won a prize.

我赛狗赢了10英镑。I won 10 on the dogs.

这次战争哪方打赢了?Which side won the war?

谁在100米赛中获胜。Who won the 100 metres.

这场接力赛谁赢了?Who won the relay race?

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他获得了一枚金质奖章。He has won a gold medal.

他刚中了彩票。He just won the lottery.

他荣获1973年冠军称号。He won the crown in1973.

他的马以一鼻之差取胜。His horse won by a nose.

那匹马以一头之差险胜。The horse won by a head.

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你因为什么赢得过荣誉?What won honors for you?

谁正在赛跑挚胜了?我得胜了。Who won the race? I won.

一个同花顺让我赢了这副牌。I won with my club flush.