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是很好的餐前开胃酒,非常适合庆典场合饮用。Brut is very good as an aperitif.

这确实是一款很有潜质的年份香槟。In a word, this Vintage Brut is a very promising wine.

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恩,这是一定是由生长在一个不同地区的低糖的葡萄制造的。I see, so this one which is called brut must have been made from grapes grown in a different region.

我明白了。所以这种低糖香槟肯定是由另外一个地区种植的葡萄酿造的。I see, so this one which is called brut must have been made from grapes grown in a different region?

记得要事先打电话订位,店家会送一瓶澳洲碧汇粉红汽泡酒!If you call in advance to make reservations, you'll receive a complimentary bottle of Green Point Brut Rose!

若你和我最近一样,恰巧带了一瓶博林杰产的香槟玫瑰,那种体验可真是无与伦比的啊。And when you happen to bring along a bottle of Bollinger Brut Rosé, as I did recently, the experience is unbeatable.

浓香型发酵原酒的质量因地区、原料、窖池、工艺、技术等差异而相距甚远。The quality of Luzhou-flavour fermented brut is dependent on regions, raw materials, pits and production techniques.

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以蛇龙珠葡萄为原料,研究不同破碎程度对发酵原酒的影响。Cabernet Gernischet was used as raw materials in the experiment to study the effects of different crashing ratio on fermenting brut wine.

最干的香槟含糖量最低,叫做“偏酸型”,法国香槟地区生产的香槟主要为稍带甜味的微甜型酸酒。The driest style, using the least sugar, is called extra-brut, but the bulk of the region's production is the very slightly sweeter brut.

迈向朗松的黑烟,柠檬色的香槟玫瑰,其强有力的味觉使它成为良好的食物和开胃酒,在混合预售种取得很好的销量。Step forward Lanson's smoky, lemony Brut Rosé, whose punchy palate makes it a good food and apéritif wine and much improved on the previous blend sold here.

迈向朗松的黑烟,柠檬色的香槟玫瑰,其强有力的味觉使它成为良好的食物和开胃酒,在混合预售种取得很好的销量。Step forward Lanson 's smoky, lemony Brut Rosé, whose punchy palate makes it a good food and apéritif wine and much improved on the previous blend sold here.

活泼而大气,欢快明亮的果香,活泼诱人的口感,以及优雅成熟的气质诠释了法国酩悦香槟经久不衰的声望。Lively and generous, Brut Impérial distinguishes itself by a bright fruitiness, a seductive palate and an elegant maturity, that continually seduce and delight.

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卡蒙皇家起泡汽酒从属于法国吉赛福公司,该集团于1979年成立,今天已经成为欧洲最大的葡萄酒出口商和起泡葡萄酒的生产商。Kraemer Brut Sparkling is a label under Grand Chais de France, founded in 1979, and today turns to be the biggest wine exporter and sparkling wine producer in Europe.

新鲜成熟的黑樱桃,柑橘,核果的味道十分明显,此外18个月的酵母沉淀陈年赋予新鲜如烤馅饼起酥的芳香。Tasting Notes Green Point Brut Rose Fresh ripe black cherries, citrus and stone fruit notes dominate the nose, complimented by freshly backed pie crust aromas from 18 months of yeast age.

低度白酒浑浊及货架期沉淀的原因主要是由加浆水中的无机盐和原酒中的高级脂肪酸乙酯引起的。The reasons of the turbidity produced in production or in shelf period were analyzed. The turbidity was induced mainly by inorganic salt in seriflux and the ethyl fatty acid in brut liquor.

她的日志中写道,当时这位22岁的年轻人“穿着一件舒适的T恤,就像个体态丰满的妇女”,身上散发出“汗液、Brut牌除臭喷雾、抽烟、吃葡萄干、睡觉、呼吸”的味道。Her journal recalls a 22-year-old man in "a comfy T-shirt depicting buxom women", marked by the smells of "running sweat, Brut spray deodorant , smoking, eating raisins , sleeping, breathing".