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北京外国语大学斯洛伐克语专业大四学生a senior in Slovakian at Beijing Foreign Studies University

“我们的合作非常棒,他是个出色的球员”,斯洛伐克人说。"It's going really well, he's a great player, " said the Slovakian.

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这名19岁的斯洛文尼亚球员将在下赛季与前英格兰主帅麦克拉伦并肩作战。The 19 year old Slovakian will join ex-England boss McClaren's Dutch side for next season.

斯洛伐克议会投了反对票,但接受似乎只是时间问题。The Slovakian parliament has just voted this down, although it is likely to accept it in the end.

在对阵热刺时,斯洛伐克人和卡拉格相撞后受伤,至今仍在恢复中。The Slovakian defender is still recovering after colliding with Jamie Carragher against Tottenham Hotspur recently.

随后,斯洛伐克警方派遣卧底假扮成应征者,一举逮捕了这名食人嫌犯。Slovakian police sent in an undercover officer posing as the victim in a sting operation and caught the suspected cannibal.

“这会很不一样,因为至今我只在训练时面对过他。”他说。"It will be different because so far I have been playing against him only in training, " the Slovakian told isport. blesk. cz.

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利物浦在布加勒斯特以总比分4比1晋级,但是现在贝尼特斯关注斯洛伐克国脚的伤情。The Reds completed a 4-1 aggregate win in Bucharest, but Benitez's main concern is now with his injured Slovakian international.

3月22日,当太阳落山时,斯洛伐克男孩骑车穿过靠近利普托夫斯基·米库拉什中心城市的冰冷的利普托夫斯卡·马拉水库大坝。Slovakian boys ride through the frozen Liptovska Mara dam as the sun sets near the central town of Liptovsky Mikulas, on March 22.

由于在训练中小腿受伤,斯诺文尼亚国脚错过了球队的亚洲行,但是他已经神速般恢复。The Slovakian international missed the tour of Asia after picking up a calf injury during training, but he is making a speedy recovery.

曲棍球赛最高得分纪录的保持者是斯洛伐克女子曲棍球队,她们在2008年在奥运会预选赛上,她们以82比0的比分击败了保加利亚队。The record for highest score in a hockey game belongs to the 2008 Slovakian women's team, which beat Bulgaria 82-0 in a pre-Olympic qualifier.

这资料亦显示麦当劳的快餐品牌的感官的营销活动进行得如火如荼,并直指向斯国的消费者。This source also indicates the active implementation of sensory marketing by fast food brand McDonald's that is indexing to Slovakian consumers.

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这是斯科特尔代表利物浦65场处子球,但是比赛的最终结果对斯洛伐克人来说是苦乐参半的下午。It was Skrtel's first for Liverpool in 65 appearances, but the final outcome of the contest ensured it was a bittersweet afternoon for the Slovakian.

次日的旅程很沉闷扫兴,这是由于斯洛伐克一项把该段多瑙河建成大水库的水电工程造成的。The next day was largely dull and frustrating due to a Slovakian hydroelectric project, which has turned this stretch of the Danube into a huge reservoir.

温家宝总理将同斯洛伐克领导人就深化中斯友好合作关系和其他共同关心的问题广泛深入交换意见。Premier Wen will exchange in-depth views with Slovakian leaders on deepening China-Slovakia friendly cooperative relations and other issues of common interest.

当马丁-斯科特尔本赛季完成时间长达3591分钟的联赛出场纪录后,卡拉格和卢卡斯对斯洛伐克人致以了崇高的敬意。Jamie Carragher and Lucas Leiva have hailed Martin Skrtel after the Slovakian completed a remarkable 3591 minutes of Barclays Premier League football this term.

该研究为斯洛伐克科学院和抗癌联盟基金资助课题,并得到斯洛伐克科国家癌症基因组项目支持。The study was funded by grants from the Slovak Academy of Sciences and the League Against Cancer, and support from the Slovakian national cancer genomics program.

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据全体育报报道,尤文图斯正计划为那不勒斯中场球员马雷克。哈姆西克报价,因为这名斯洛伐克国脚离开圣。保罗球场的传闻此起彼浮。Juventus are planning a bid for Napoli midfielder Marek Hamsik as the Slovakian international continues to be linked with a San Paolo exit, according to Tuttosport.

继上周末传闻的团队X射线被视为测试他们T2'009的底盘在世界的轨道在曼谷,我们接触斯洛伐克制造商的评论。Following the rumors last weekend that Team XRAY was seen testing their T2′009 chassis at the World's track in Bangkok, we contacted the Slovakian manufacturer for comment.

胡锦涛在致斯洛伐克总统加什帕罗维奇的贺电中说,建交60年来,双方彼此尊重,相互信任,坦诚合作。In the message to his Slovakian counterpart Gasparovic, Hu said China and Slovakia have respected and trusted each other and conducted candid cooperation in the past 60 years.