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没有救生员。No lifeguard on duty.

谭雅是位美丽的救生员。Tonya is a beautiful lifeguard.

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那个救生员真帅!NO07, That lifeguard is really cute!

救生员帮助丹恩回到岸上。The lifeguard helps Dan out of the water.

你有没有看到那个新来的、长得很好看的救生员?Did you see that good -looking new lifeguard?

救生员把溺水者的头托出水面。The lifeguard held the drowning man's head above water.

拥有或能够考取有效救生员证者最佳。Possess or able to obtain a valid lifeguard certification.

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这个有钱人站上救生塔,所有朋友都仰头看着他。The guy gets up on the lifeguard tower and all his friends look up.

莉蒂雅曾做过许多不同的工作,从业务员到救生员都有。Lydia has had many different jobs, ranging from salesperson to lifeguard.

救护员使用了口对口人工呼吸法来挽救那孩子的生命。The lifeguard used mouth-to-mouth resuscitation to save the child's life.

迈阿密生活图片。甚至这圆形的艺术装饰救生员的了望塔在南海滩增加迈阿密的热带的风光。Even the circular art deco lifeguard towers in South Beach add to Miami's tropical flair.

每一个救生员都知道,你要救的人要是想自救,你就救不了他。One thing every lifeguard knows is that you can't save anybody who's trying to save themselves.

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甚至即使有救生员,同伴到你身边也会快得多。Even if there are lifeguards, a partner will be able to get to you a lot sooner than a lifeguard.

除非你应聘的是救生员的工作,否则凉鞋是不合适的。Sandals are never appropriate for a job interview, unless you are applying for a job as a lifeguard.

那时,救生员只要简单的用一只胳膊抱着溺水者的肩膀,游回到岸边。At that point, the lifeguard can simply put an arm around the swimmer's shoulder and swim back to shore.

在里根青少年时期,他数次利用暑假在一家当地的海滩打短工,做一名救生员,七年时间里先后挽救了多达77条生命。As a teenager, Reagan spent summers working as a lifeguard at a local beach, saving 77 lives in seven years.

在海洋大道的东边的白色沙滩上漫步,看看那五颜六色的救生台。Stroll the white sand beach on the east side of Ocean Drive, and check out the goofily colored lifeguard stands.

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我看见他的眼神在我身上磨蹭,就把一只手从下面伸进比基尼里开始自娱自乐。As I spotted the lifeguard wandering over, I slipped a hand into my bikini bottoms and slowly played with myself.

如果你申请一个财务分析的职位,就不要浪费篇幅写你年轻时做过救生员。If you're applying for a financial analyst position, don't waste space including your teenage stint as a lifeguard.

一位救生员三月八日在加州洛杉矶南部雷东多海滩国王港打捞沙丁鱼尸。A lifeguard scoops up dead sardines in the harbor area of Redondo Beach, south of Los Angeles, California on March 8.