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奴隶劳动的丑闻。Slave labor scandals.

结果与之相反,他成为了一个奴隶般的苦工。Instead, he became a slave.

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不要成为你自负的奴隶。Don't be a slave to your ego.

奴隶制度的不朽者?A perpetuator of slave system?

愿迦南作闪的奴仆。May Canaan be the slave of Shem.

圣克莱尔家新买了个奴隶。ST CLARE has bought a new slave.

成为你的牧牛者和奴仆吧。Become Thy cowherd and Thy slave.

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在他们的棍棒和拳脚下,我就是一个奴隶。I was a slave under club and fist.

负债者是债主的奴隶。A debtor is a slave to his creditor.

他用皮鞭把奴隶抽打得浑身青一块紫一块。He leathered the slave black and blue.

干薪金那么低的打字工作等于做苦工。Typing at that salary is slave labour.

挨饿而拥有自由,胜过饱食终日的奴隶。Better starve free than be a fat slave.

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那个奴隶被抽打得浑身青紫。The slave was leathered black and blue.

那个奴隶离开了实验室。The slave marched out of the laboratory.

我们不会为那些奴隶级别工资的工作而做。We're not going to work for slave wages.

我的老板是一个咆哮着的疯狂的奴隶驾驭者。My boss is a raving lunatic slave driver.

从动触发器正在进行置位和复位。The slave flit-flop is being set or reset.

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这个被称为“比尔“的人是奴隶主?This guy, Bill, is the slave owner, right?

清洗你的脚,有一个设备可以烘干它们。Wash your feet, and a slave will dry them.

一个埃及走狗进入我们的房子问道。An Egyptian slave driver entered our house.