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把它消灭在萌芽状态。Nip it in the bud.

不要掐花。Don't nip off the flowers.

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空气寒冷刺骨。There is a nip in the air.

一股寒气透过他的皮肉直刺骨髓。There is a cold nip in the air.

潦倒的人,你夹着双腿走向哪里?Flaneur, nip your legs, going where?

撩起上衣,让我看看你的受伤处。Nip your shirt up,let me look at your injury.

当另一辆车子超到他前面时,他只好停车。He have to stop when another car nip in before him.

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在两根墨辘间或两个圆筒间的压力点。Nip Pressure point between two rollers or cylinders.

只有经常的清洁才能防患于未然。Opt for frequent cleanings to nip tarnish in the bud.

我得把这件衣服的腰改窄才合身。I had to nip this dress in at the waist to make it fit.

各种微小的变化不仅可能导致季风规模扩大,也可能把把季风扼杀在萌芽之中。Small changes can swell monsoons, or nip them in the bud.

因此,最好的办法是把这些问题消灭在萌芽里。So it would be better to nip the problem right in the bud.

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两条船中哪一条先进港都很难说。It was nip and tuck as to which boat would reach port first.

如果我们迅速进攻就可以使敌人的计划鹿死胎中。If we attack quickly, we can nip the enemy's plan in the bud.

它宣称,这些检查可以将很多威胁扼杀在摇篮中。Such checks would nip many threats in the bud, it is claimed.

宾馆的厕所通常都比较空,可以找到偏门溜进去。Hotel loos are always empty so if there's one next door nip in.

确定型钢轧制时轧件的咬入点对实现稳定轧制有重要意义。Determining nip point is important for steady rolling section steel.

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狗乖吗?聪明吗?会乱叫和乱咬吗?。The dog is clever? Intelligent? Can randomly call with randomly to nip?

其实,很早就发现了,我闷闷不乐,想趁早摆脱忧郁。I have realized my depression very early and wanted to nip it in the bud.

如果进入压区之前,他们得到适当的吸水箱脱水。If they are properly dewatered with suction boxes before entering the nip.