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哦,我得到了波动力学。Oh, I got wave mechanics.

汽车修理师告诉你真想。Car mechanics tell you the truth.

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力学由王教授讲授。Mechanics is taught by Prof. Wang.

这就是我做的,波动力学。That is what I did. Wave mechanics.

尤其是统计力学。Especially of statistical mechanics.

并开始统计力学。And also start statistical mechanics.

我们一起看书,谈论机械。We looked at books, talked mechanics.

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它包含两部分So, Newtonian mechanics has two parts.

我的一个朋友在学机械学。One of my friend is studying mechanics.

但它在量子力学中就发生了。But it does happen in quantum mechanics.

这就是机械,现在,策略。So that is the mechanics. Now, strategy.

开始讲授统计力学。We'll start in on statistical mechanics.

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我们先来看看牛顿力学So, Newtonian mechanics is our first topic.

好的体态有利于身体各机能的更好运转。Good posture leads to better body mechanics.

我会谈下掠夺者的结构。I'll go into some of the Marauder mechanics.

高等量子力学,喀兴林著。R. Shankar, Principles of Quantum Mechanics.

德克萨斯州沃斯堡力学听诊器。Fort Worth, Texas, and mechanics stethoscope.

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还有什么比量子力学更神奇?What could be weirder than quantum mechanics?

看到了吗,这就是牛顿力学的一个例子See, that's an example of Newtonian mechanics.

在热力学或者统计力学中。In statistical mechanics and in thermodynamics.