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雷米2006年逃离了也门的一个监狱。Al-Raimi escaped from a Yemeni prison in 2006.

一个成绩卓著的女律师接手了努乔德的案子。A prominent female Yemeni attorney took up Nujood's case.

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基地组织也门分支承认了安巴力先生已经被炸死。Al Qaeda’s Yemeni branch acknowledged Mr. Anbari’s death.

美国对也门基地组织进行经济制裁。Yemeni al-Qaida leaders slapped with financial sanctions by the U.

也门人对跨越界限又触犯地缘政治的恋人也很感兴趣。Yemeni interest in the star-crossed lovers touches on geopolitics, too.

巴杰麦勒转达了也门总统萨利赫对胡锦涛的亲切问候。Bajammal conveyed the cordial greetings to Hu Jintao by Yemeni President Saleh.

拉施德说,可以预料,在不远的将来,美军将在也门的领土上展开更大规模的袭击。Rashad says he anticipates further US strikes on Yemeni soil in the near future.

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在位于也门首都萨那城南部的的泰姬陵周边发生了反政府示威游行。Anti-government demonstrators protest in Taiz, south of the Yemeni capital, Sanaa.

位于萨那的美国也门研究所主任施泰因拜塞尔表示赞同。Stephen Steinbeiser of the American Institute for Yemeni Studies in Sana'a, agrees.

一些高级的疑犯还神秘的从也门监狱里逃走了。Some high-level terrorism suspects have also mysteriously escaped from Yemeni jails.

也门社会党领导的南方军队战败,该党主要领导人逃亡国外。South of the Yemeni Socialist Party-led military defeat, the party leaders of exile.

也门首都萨那附近戴尔米空军基地30日发生爆炸,两架战斗机损毁。Yemeni capital Sanaa Air Force Base near Dai Ermi 30 explosion damaged two fighters.

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也门的一位记者绝望的摇着头说。the Yemeni journalist Zaid Ali Al-Alaya’a said recently, shaking his head in despair.

2000年,本拉登发出了新的新娘信任也门助手,在追捕Abual菲达。In 2000, bin Laden sent a trusted Yemeni aide, Abual Fida, on the hunt for a new bride.

反对派控制了也门官方的Saba通讯社与国有航空公司。Opposition control of the official Saba news agency and the Yemeni state-owned airlines.

在交火中,也门政府重点通缉的阿里·赛义德·贾迈勒被打死。In the crossfire, the Yemeni government wanted to focus on Ali Said Jamal had been killed.

无独有偶,去年6月也门一架客机在科摩罗群岛附近坠毁,唯一幸存的是一名12岁的女孩。Last June, a 12-year-old girl was the sole survivor of a Yemeni plane crash off the Comoros.

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美国和也门官员早些时候说,奥拉基的车辆被一架美国驾驶机击中。US and Yemeni officials earlier said Mr. al-Aulaqi's convoy was attacked by an American drone.

也门武装力量在继续打击圣战秘密组织,国外的安全援助也仍在流入也门。Yemeni forces have continued to strike at jihadist cells, and foreign security aid still flows.

也门社会没有坦诚对待性问题的传统,即使是对于那些受过教育的母女。Yemeni society has no tradition of candor about sex, even among educated mothers and daughters.