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什么是断食?What is Fasting?

而且他需要单独持斋。And he was fasting alone.

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她虔诚地斋戒。She betook herself to fasting.

进入断食的第二天。Entered the second day of fasting.

斋戒能洁净我们的身体并帮助排毒。Fasting cleans and detoxifies our body.

靠着希望过活,至死都会饿肚皮。He that lives upon hope will die fasting.

空腹时不要吃蕃茄,最好饭后吃。Don't eat fasting tomatoes, best after dinner.

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今天是象头神节,芭丽要禁食一天。Today is a popular god day, barriss to fasting day.

禁欲乃是为了尊重欲望之庄严。Fasting is an act of homage to the majesty of appetite.

至于这一类的鬼,若不祷告禁食,他就不出来。Howbeit this kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting.

不过,穆斯林强调,莱麦丹斋月的意义不仅仅在于禁食。But Muslims stress that there's more to Ramadan than fasting.

开斋节标示著穆斯林斋戒月的结束。Eid-al-Fitr marks the end of Muslim fasting month of Ramadan.

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为什么要下调空腹血糖受损的下限切点?。Lowering the cut-point for impaired fasting glucose, and why?

尊敬的学者,安塞俩目尔来一库目。斋月中可以把斋戒日更换到其他时间吗?Is it possible to change the day you are fasting to another date?

努勒的妹妹纳迪试着在今年斋月开始封斋。Noora's younger sister Nadia is trying to start fasting this Ramadan.

他们是不低于取悦上帝祈祷,斋戒和救济。They are no less pleasing to God than prayers, fasting and almsgiving.

在进行OGTT之前通常会要求你先进行空腹血糖测试。The OGTT usually requires that you have the fasting glucose test first.

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请洽询有绝食经验的医生或顾问。Consult a doctor or health practitioner who has experience with fasting.

抗议活动组织者说,一共有大约4千人进行时间长短不等的绝食。Organizers say about 4,000 people are fasting for varying periods of time.

尔代节是斋月结束的标志,,穆斯林在斋月里从日出到日落是要禁食的。The Moslem celebration Eid al-Fitr marks the end of fasting during Ramadan.