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这瓶糖浆是治咳嗽的吗?。Is this syrup for my cough?

玉米糖浆跟色素吗?Karo syrup and food coloring?

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把糖浆一直熬到能拉出黏丝为止。Cook the syrup until it ropes.

把豆沙和砂糖以及枫糖浆一起拌匀。Stir in the sugar and maple syrup.

这瓶糖浆是治咳嗽的吗?。This syrup is good for your cough.

将糖浆煮到能抽成丝为止。Cook the syrup until it will thread.

随好淋上枫糖浆。Drizzle with maple syrup if desired.

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我最喜爱的汤是玉米浓汤。My favorite soup is corn syrup soup.

我将糖浆熬到能抽丝为止。I cooked the syrup until it threaded.

您喜欢加了枫糖浆的松饼吗?Do you like pancakes with maple syrup?

高浓磨浆前的浆料浓缩。Pulp condense before H. C. whet syrup.

大概一个月后,我们会得到这样的糖浆。After almost a month we get such syrup.

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加入玉米糖浆和红糖搅拌。Add the corn syrup and brown sugar. Stir.

我撇去了煮沸糖浆上的泡沫。I skimmed the foam from the boiling syrup.

加入1盎司白兰地蔓越莓汁,混合。Add 1 ounce Brandy-Cranberry Syrup and mix.

这是装入Karo糖浆的容器。Here is this container with the Karo syrup.

母亲让孩子按量服用止咳糖浆。Mother dosed the child up with cough syrup.

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酸梅汤酸酸甜甜的,我喜欢喝。Syrup of plum is sour and sweet. I like it.

华夫饼上放糖还是放糖浆?Would you like sugar or syrup for the waffles ?

金酒,柠檬汁,红石榴糖浆和蛋白。Gin, Lemon juice, Grenadine syrup and egg white.