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新建一个图层在它之上。Create a new layer above it.

干净的那层是甘油。The clear layer is glycerin.

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巧克力夹心南瓜蛋糕。Chocolate-pumpkin layer cake.

Bini这样描述稳定层Bini describes the stable layer

放一层馅料在上面.Put a layer of the stuffing on top.

底层皮肤油油的、软软的。The bottom layer is fatty and soft.

角状的“层”组织即“角质层”。Stratum corneum means "horny layer".

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在你的皮肤上涂上又薄又匀的一层。Coat your skin in a thin, even layer.

皮肤外层也有。It'salso the outer layer of our skin.

现在你可以将上面的图层显示出来。Now you can un-hide your above layer.

均匀撒盐在每一层芥菜上。Spread the salt evenly on each layer.

待测样品位于这层板的顶部。The sample sits on top of this layer.

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在这个图层上面我们要添加一些云彩。On this layer we will add some clouds.

现在内层的水都会漏到外层去!The inside layer can now come outside!

脑部有一层黄色厚头垢。Brain thick layer of yellow dirt first.

菜单选择滤镜——高斯模糊——半径70px.复制这个图层。Radius 70px. Duplicate the color layer.

将图层混合模式设置为正片叠底。Set the layer blending mode to Multiply

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下一个层是绝缘层。The next layer is the insulation layer.

我们不久后会撤销那一层。We'll pull back that layer before long.

一层白色的灰烬盖在那堆火上。A white layer of ashes covered the fire.