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在南希·萧家。At Nancy Shaw's.

苏珊与南锡在一起。Susan was with Nancy.

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南希里根,1981至1989Nancy Reagan, 1981-1989

转至学校现在、薛家燕。Go to school now, Nancy.

喝杯茶吧,南西。Have a cup of tea, Nancy.

她比他大几岁。Nancy is bigger than she.

南西,请问您是学生吗?Are you a student, Nancy ?

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好的,李夫人,我是说南希。Ok, Mrs Lee, I mean Nancy.

南施是比尔心爱的人。Nancy is Bill's sweetiepie.

你觉得南希这个人怎么样?What do you think of Nancy?

南希打字速度非常快。Nancy can type very quickly.

我是从中国来的王南希。This is Nancy Wang from China.

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“下一个,南西,”夏莫斯先生说。"Nancy next, " Mr. Summers said.

南希.玛克特?她是法国人吗?Nancy Marquet?Is she from France?

南茜需要午睡。Nancy needs a nap in the afternoon.

南茜出去买些橘子。Nancy went out to buy some oranges.

这个消息使南希无言以对。The news rendered Nancy speechless.

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而我所有的朋友都是叫我南西的。And all of my friends call me Nancy.

南希微笑着向男管家致谢。Nancy smiled and thanked the butler.

南希·莫萨莉就是其中的一个。One such supporter is Nancy Monsalve.