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一场灾祸正在酿成。A catastrophe is brewing.

你们在策划什么阴谋?What plot are you brewing?

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外面暴风雨正在酝酿中。A storm was brewing outside.

一曲酒歌在心灵酿造。A song in the heart of brewing.

西边天空上有暴风雨在聚集。A storm is brewing in the west.

看样子一场暴风雨即将来临。It looks as if a storm is brewing.

啤酒正在这些桶里酿造着。The beer is brewing in these vats.

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他们正图谋不轨。They are brewing up a wicked plot.

她动手泡一些药茶。She set about brewing some herb tea.

他们之间正在酝酿着纠纷。There's trouble brewing between them.

他们正在幕后策划一个阴谋。They are brewing a plot behind the scenes.

浓郁的咖啡取决于烘焙和冲泡的技术。Great Coffee Depends on Roasting and Brewing

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日本富士山的下面似乎正在酝酿着什么。SOMETHING is brewing under Japan's Mount Fuji.

有时我也自己酿制一些糯米酒。And I can make some rice wine brewing on my own.

第四阶段产业化尚在酝酿阶段。Phase IV is still brewing industrialization stage.

蒂松用矿泉水或者泉水泡茶。Ms. Tison uses mineral or spring water for brewing.

菊花酒的酿造十分独特。The chrysanthemum flower wine is unique in brewing.

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通常煮法是放汤,或炒制。Usually pot Brewing is putting the soup, or frying.

喝茶外,此壶也是家居装饰妙品。Best decorative product at home besides brewing tea.

后现代风格的画廊,以前不过是酿酒车间。A post-modernist gallery once being a brewing workshop.