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这是年轻的波尔。Here's a young Niels Bohr.

所有这些,波尔是怎样做的?All of this. What did Bohr do?

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这包含了波尔的几个假设。These are the Bohr postulates.

海森堡是波尔的博士后。Heisenberg post-doced with Bohr.

玻尔46岁已是元老。Bohr at 46 was the grand old man.

我说波尔提出了一个模型。I said Bohr came up with a model.

或者假设它能用波尔模型来计算。Let's say calculable by Bohr model.

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波尔主导了这个游戏。So, Bohr came way ahead of the game.

那这是如何支持波尔模型的呢?How does this support the Bohr model?

920年波尔开始讨论量子学。Bohr started talking about quantization.

同样我也可以用波尔模型算出它来。And I can calculate this from Bohr model.

现在,波尔想到一个改进的模型。Now, Bohr comes with a new improved model.

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而这个量被叫做,Bohr,半径。And this quantity is termed the Bohr radius.

我们学了数量上的波尔模型。We have a Bohr model, which is quantitative.

现在,回忆一下波尔量子理论。Now, you recall in Bohr the quantum condition.

她还经常到哥本哈根去玻尔家作客。She also often go to Copenhagen Jia Zuoke Bohr.

有波尔半径在第24个。There is the Bohr radius down there, number 24.

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波尔半径,对于氢原子来说是0。529埃。The Bohr radius, for hydrogen is 0.529 angstroms.

上次课,我们讲了波尔模型的确立。Last day we talked about the validation of the Bohr model.

在一系列决斗中,玻尔从来不率先拔枪,但是每一次都赢了。In a series of duels, Bohr never drew first but won every time.