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闲暇是别忘上网冲浪。Surf the net leisure.

我很少有空闲。I am seldom at leisure.

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在这秋雨的悠闲。In the autumn of leisure.

请你在空暇时间做一下。Please do it at your leisure.

我闲时喜欢阅读。I enjoy reading at my leisure.

我没有一点闲工夫。I have not a moment's leisure.

闲逸是劳动的报酬。Leisure is the reward of labor.

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要么有钱,要么有闲。Either the money or the leisure.

他不喜欢过安闲的生活。He doesn't like a life of leisure.

我想要更多的空闲时间。I could do with more leisure time.

闲暇是霓裳,不宜常穿用。Leisure is a house, not often wear.

忙人没有多少暇时。A busy man hasn't much leisure time.

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我的全部希望就是有空学习。All I desired was leisure for study.

允许你自己有闲暇的时间。Allow yourself to have leisure time.

热爱休闲活动。Be interested in leisure activities.

1690年代的伦敦,休闲文化发展旺盛。Leisure is thriving in 1690s London.

请你在闲暇时候读一读。Please read it over at your leisure.

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不过我时常去一个很好的休闲地方。But I often go to a place of leisure.

草率匹配多后悔。Marry in haste and repent at leisure.

其次是那些休闲度假者。Second are those leisure vacationers.