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毫无争议的是艾米莉布朗蒂的天分。The undisputed genius of the family was Emily Brontë.

毕竟,纳什维尔是无容置疑的乡村音乐之乡。After all, Nashville is the undisputed home of country music.

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一个名叫赫拉克利斯的人众望所归成为雅典领袖。One man, Heracles of Athens emerged as its undisputed leader.

秋叶不争功,我想这就是她真实写照。Akiba undisputed power, I think this is a true portrayal of her.

上次讲座,我们介绍了保罗的七封真信。The last time we talked about the seven undisputed letters of Paul.

毋庸置疑,埃拉是爵士演唱和美国流行音乐的女王。Ella was the undisputed queen of jazz singing and American popular song.

二十年来,美国就是无可争议的全球霸权。For two decades the United States has been the undisputed global hegemon.

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英国上流阶层都是衣装和品位坚定的拥趸。The British upper classes are the undisputed champions of dress and taste.

今天是皮亚杰的胆略和创造力燕鸥无可争议的参考。Today Piaget is an undisputed reference in terns of audacity and creativity.

关原之战的结果使德川家康成为日本毫无辩驳的主人。The Battle of Sekigehara leaves Leyasu Tokugawa as the undisputed master of Japan.

中国公司届时将成为外包生产无可争议的领导者。Chinese companies would then become the undisputed leaders in outsourced production.

在查理斯任CEO大权独揽之后,科赫工业集团扩张迅速。With Charles as the undisputed chairman and C.E.O., Koch Industries expanded rapidly.

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毋庸置疑,抽烟已成为诱发肺癌以及其他癌症病患的一个重要因素。Cigarette smoke plays an undisputed role in the development of lung and other cancers.

在我看来,MJ是流行音乐界无可争辩的王者,是的,除了他没别人。In my opinion, MJ is the undisputed king of pops, thats right, its either him or nobody.

16世纪的魏塔拉寺庙尤为突出,它相当于世界遗产纪念碑。The undisputed highlight, the 16th century Vittala Temple, is a World Heritage Monument.

时间倒回至2000年,美国这个无可争议的超级霸主与世界其他国家仍然处于和平状态。Back in 2000 the United States, the undisputed hegemon, was mainly at peace with the world.

2008年大选有两颗无可争议的明星,他们生机勃勃、魅力非凡、令人振奋。They were the two undisputed stars of the 2008 campaign — fresh, charismatic, electrifying.

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科比,作为球队的无可争议的领导者,与球队签订了7年的合同并留在湖人。As the team’s undisputed leader, Bryant signed a seven-year contract to remain with the team.

思想政治教育实效性不强已成为一个不争的事实。It is an undisputed fact that the ideological and political education lacks the effectiveness.

在刑事司法实践中,错判的存在是一个不争的事实。In the practice of criminal justice, the existence of erroneous judgments is an undisputed fact.