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那肉体理论者该怎么做呢?What's the body theorist to do?

这就是人格理论者的说法。That's what the personality theorist said.

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我平时是不做实验的,我是一个理论物理学家。I don't do experiments, normally. I'm a theorist.

物理理论者也没能解释The physical theorist doesn't have an explanation.

灵魂理论者对分裂案例是怎么说的呢?What should a soul theorist say about the fission case?

阿伦特是最合式的开端理论家。Hannah Arendt is preeminently the theorist of beginnings.

那灵魂理论者是怎么解释分裂案例的呢?So,what does the soul theorist say about the fission case?

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但仍然,肉体主义者也需要另一种区别。But still,even the body theorist needs a different distinction.

胡风是20世纪中国著名的文艺理论家。Hufeng was a famous literary theorist of China in 20th century.

在卢瑟福的思考中一位理论家起到了关键作用。One theorist played an essential role in Rutherford's thinking.

那麽谁是贝克尔?一个极不寻常的疯子或狂野的阴谋论者?So who is Becker? A far out crackpot or wild conspiracy theorist?

杨万里不仅是一位著名的文学家,而且是一位理学家。Yang Wanli is not only a famous litterateur, but also a theorist.

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注意肉体主义者并不需要区别两者。Notice that the body theorist didn't need to draw that distinction.

他也是批评家和理论家,我发现的是他的批评作品。He was critic and theorist. What I discovered was his critical writings.

张闻天是一位杰出的无产阶级革命家和理论家。Zhang Wentian was an outstanding proletarian revolutionist and theorist.

李重华是清代中期重要诗人、诗论家。Li Chong-hua is an important poet and poetry theorist in mid-QingDynasty.

普雷维什更多地是一个政策制定者和经济外交家,而非理论家。Prebisch was more of a policymaker and economic diplomat than a theorist.

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普列汉诺夫是个马克思主义哲学史上倍受争议的理论家。Plekhanov is a controversial theorist in the history of Marxist philosophy.

清代八旗蒙古人法式善是著名作家、文学理论家。Fasshan was famous Mongolian writer and literature theorist of ching dynasty.

陆机是我国魏晋之际的重要作家和文学理论家。Luji is one important writer and theorist of arts during Wei and Jin Dynasty.