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爱情是一种毒品。Love is a drug.

你们是否会做药物测试?Do you do a drug test?

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这药不灵。The drug will not work.

啤酒真是够劲,跟毒品似的。Beer is a powerful drug.

可卡因是一种毒品。Cocain is a kind of drug.

我深爱这些制毒公司。And I love drug companies.

我以前是一名吸毒者。I am a former drug addict.

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对我来说,写博是一种药物。For me, blogging is a drug.

这药物减轻了她的痛苦。The drug buffered her pain.

左近有药店吗?Is there a drug store nearby?

另外一些人吃另外一种杀虫药。Others took a different drug.

第3种药是一个幸运符。The third drug was the charm.

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晕车要吃什么药?Carsick what drug should take?

晕车吃什么药最好?Carsick what drug to take best?

你们这里有药局吗?Do you have a drug store here ?

汤森特医生是个嗜药成癖的瘾君子。Dr. Townsend was a drug addict.

它只是另外一种毒品而已。It is nothing but another drug.

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年夜麻看上往像是一种无害的福寿膏。It seemed like a harmless drug.

一些人吃了一种杀虫药。Some got one worm-killing drug.

有谁来说说,药品。Somebody just say it. The drug.