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WMF很是好用,价格也不错。WMF is effortless and well priced.

保持简单和适度的价格。Keep it simple and moderately priced.

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不带广告的Kindle售价更高。Kindles without ads are priced higher.

单人房间价格是500卢比。The single rooms are priced at Rs. 500.

哪个市场是有效定价的What market might be efficiently priced?

这家店里衣服定价偏高。The clothes in this shop are priced high.

每份种子的拍卖价格定为199元。Each seed was priced at RMB199 in the auction.

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这种新型别墅定的价钱很有竞争力。The new type of villa is priced competitively.

他们由于漫天要价而把自己赶出了世界市场。They priced themselves out of the world market.

它们的价格一样,我会买“有机”那一包。They’re priced the same. I’d buy the “organic.”

其中既有免费软件又有收费软件。These include both freeware and priced software.

麝香猫咖啡——世界上最昂贵的咖啡!Kopi luwak—the highest priced coffee in the world!

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江州司马叫不醒,叫得庐山分一觥。Jiangzhou Sima not wake, scream Lushan priced Gong.

原先标价50元的随身听现在售价已涨到180元。A Walkman priced at RMB50 before sells for RMB180 now.

三块五一碗的凉面也爱我。The cold-noodle priced three point five always love me.

我们的地毯都是厂价出售。All the carpets here are priced directly from our factory.

极客要怎样淘到价格合理的宝贝?So what’s a geek to do to find reasonably priced trinkets?

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然而,低迷的手机价格很快取代了小灵通的位置。However low priced mobile phones are rapidly replacing PHS.

美国房屋价格中位数以白银计价将大幅下跌。The median U.S. home will decline sharply priced in silver.

我爱食堂三块五一碗的凉面。I love the cold-noodle priced three point five in mess hall.