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我觉得,这怒气是一种返祖现象。This anger, I think, is atavistic.

在场的那些人中,很多都感到这种隔代遗传的恐惧。Many of those present felt this atavistic fear.

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癌有多可怕?会不会隔代遗传呢?Does cancer have much dreariness? Can atavistic?

换句话说,诗歌的一切,都是复古的。In other words, everything about poetry is atavistic.

把它们解释为老观念的残余,是错误的。It would be wrong to interpret them as atavistic remnants.

这正是伴随着她病弱身体的老年返祖现象的一种麻木冷淡的特征。It was characteristic of an old, atavistic callousness that went with her delicacy.

在他们那潇洒敏捷的外表里面,涌动着返祖性的原始冲动。Beneath their chic and natty appearances they respond to atavistic and primitive impulses.

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本报长期以来一直认为,查韦斯主义是拉丁美洲的重回老路的死胡同。This newspaper has long argued that chavismo is an atavistic blind alley for Latin America.

某些好古的西方人宣传一种理论说,中国妇女喜欢她们在社会中所处的低微地位。Certain atavistic Westerners have promulgated the theory that Chinese women liked their modest position in society.

拳击局部范围的堕落和丑闻将其大众号召力消磨殆尽,使这项运动似乎迅速地走上了返祖的轨道。Boxing’s endemic corruption and scandal wore away its popular appeal and made the sport seem increasingly atavistic.

返祖遗传雀斑有这种功能,这就是为什么有些父母没有雀斑,但有雀斑,因为他们的子女。Atavistic genetic freckle have this feature, which is why some parents do not have freckles, but there freckles because their children.

因此,不论时代如何变迁,在世界经济体制的背后,始终有一种人类本能的冲动,希望把黄金牢牢掌控在自己手中。Hence back of all the fine subtleties of the world's economic system there lies this atavistic instinct to hold on to the metal itself.

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真正让黛比着迷的是那盒亚马逊雨林的录相带,它令黛比那强壮的身躯里渴望回归家园的心激荡不已。What Debbie enjoyed to the point of obsession was a video of the Amazonian rainforest. It seemed to stir an atavistic chord in her stout breast.

但在战斗最激烈的时候,人类、恶魔、先祖灵魂的冲突惹恼了沉睡在深海的第四股势力。But at the battle's peak, something in the clash of demons, men and atavistic spirits must have stirred a fourth power that had been slumbering in the depths.

这些形影不离的银幕形象似乎是来自远古社会——故事情节好像是制片人从诠释男性间密切关系的人类学通俗读物里选取出来似的。There had been something almost atavistic about these visions of attachments—as if producers culled their plots from some pop anthropology book on male bonding.

在南欧,人们依然对天主教传统又回到早先的强烈依恋,在感觉到来自快速增长的穆斯林邻的挑衅后,这中感觉更甚。Across southern Europe an intense, atavistic attachment to Catholic tradition remains, sharpened by a perceived challenge from the fast-growing Muslim neighbours.

蛮荒时代的偏见至今还在作祟,结果我们家里尽是扎不紧裤带的未婚男女,还有一大群私生子。This atavistic prejudice, whose embers still smolder, has turned us into a vast community of unmarried women and men with their flies unzipped and numerous children born out of wedlock.

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无论这是真正关心现实的社会问题,还是出于更返祖的观念——固有的、从生物学角度来说混血是错误的观念,我们只能推测。Whether this was genuine concern for a real social problem or was born of a more atavistic notion that there is something inherently, biologically wrong with mixing races, we can only speculate.