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何时是国殇日?。When is Memorial Day?

我在中正纪念堂上公车。I get on at CKS Memorial Hall.

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红旗渠纪念馆。The Red Flag Canal Memorial Hall.

这里是张保皋纪念馆。This is Zhang Baogao Memorial Hal.

汉家公主纪念馆。Han Dynasty Princess Memorial Hall.

种族大屠杀遇难者纪念碑。Memorial to the victims of genocide.

西里尔和墨索迪乌斯纪念碑。The memorial to Cyril and Methodius.

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众议院的莱曼纪念博物馆,希洛。The Lyman House Memorial Museum, Hilo.

这是德国威黑姆国王的纪念台。This is the "Kaiser Wilhelm" memorial.

科斯莫杰米扬斯基姐弟的纪念房间。The Memorial Room of the Kosmodemyanskys.

位于广州的孙中山纪念堂The Sun Yat-sun Memorial Hall in Guangzhou

林肯纪念堂西边面向看法。A west-facing view of the Lincoln Memorial.

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马偕纪念医院,著作权所有,并保留一切权利。Mackay Memorial Hospital All Rights Reserved.

战争纪念碑矗立在广场上。The war memorial stands upright in the square.

你知道什么车去纪念碑体育馆吗?Do you know what bus leads to Memorial Stadium?

爱受了些苦,才变得铭心刻骨。Love becomes memorial because its bitter taste.

请告诉我去林肯纪念馆的路。Please tell me the way to the Lincoln Memorial.

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坡摩那学院正在筹备一场纪念哀悼会。A memorial service is planned at Pomona College.

政府为纪念活动拨了款。The Government allocated money for the memorial.

寝室内供有李鸿章灵位。In the bedroom there is a memorial tablet of him.