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喝了几杯啤酒就想嚼槟榔。After a couple of beers you jones for a betelnut.

槟榔碱是槟榔的最主要功效成分。Arecoline is the main function component of betelnut.

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我在西螺参访了一间叫「赛车公主」的槟榔摊。I visited a betelnut shop called "Car Race Princess" in Shi-luo.

目的研究四大南药之一的槟榔不同器官重金属汞的含量。ObjectiveTo ascertain the Hg content of different organs of betelnut.

更惊人的是,她还曾听说过有的槟榔西施还会跟顾客发生性关系来赚得更多钱。Surprisingly, she has even heard that some betelnut girls may have sex with their customers to earn extra money.

这可能和许多人在国中、高中时期就开始抽菸、喝酒、嚼槟榔有关。This may the fact that many people begin smoking cigarettes and chewing betelnut in junior and senior high school.

老板王国钦说,其实在很久前槟榔西施是不存在的,后来会有槟榔西施是因为槟榔越来越流行。The owner, Wang Guo-ching, said that betelnut beauties did not even exist until betelnuts got more and more popular.

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未来流通群将设专人针对槟榔摊或中盘以及业务用的市场进行开拓。In the future, Logistics Group will assign individuals to explore the betelnut or medium wholesalers and service businesses.

其中的大槟榔园是全面了解花腰傣民族文化历史的大观园。The Betelnut Garden in it is a grand sight park for overall understanding of the culture and history of Huayao Dai Nationality.

尽管槟榔具有很多药用价值,但各种研究表明,常嚼槟榔会导致口腔癌,还会诱发其它多种疾病。Betelnut have many officinal values, but often chewing resultsbuccal cancer and leads other diseases according to each kind study.

除了抽菸对健康有不良影响之外,槟榔和酒也是健康的两大杀手喔。Apart from smoking having a negative impact on health, betelnut and alcohol are also two major killers when it comes to staying healthy.

槟榔切成片后,配上包在一种叶子里的石膏,放入口中咀嚼,嚼得满嘴鲜红,我最初看到还以为把牙嚼坏了。Cut the betelnut into slices, and then add some plaster packaged in a leaf. I taste it and my mouth is so red that I thought my teeth have something wrong.

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在大街小巷几乎都能看到槟榔摊的踪影,所以槟榔业者才会出奇招用一些能吸引人的方式,也就是槟榔西施来与其它业者竞争。There were so many betelnut shops at every corner and on the streets that sellers had to find some more attractive ways to market their product in order to compete with one another.

又称“乔治亚市”或“乔治城”,位于槟榔屿的东北端,是马来西亚最大的国际自由商港和全国第二大城市。Say again "Georgia city" or "George city", is located in the northeast of betelnut lantau, Malaysia's largest international free commercial ports, and the nation's second largest city.