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我在一个私立学校教书。I teach in the private sector.

但是零售业则减少了2万4千人。But the retail sector cut 24,000.

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水行业性别主流化工作Gender Mainstreaming in Water Sector

我也是一个机构的领言人。I am also a speaker in the corporate sector.

工商部门当然是责无旁贷。Of course, is the duty of the business sector.

但是现在一些人开始谈论第四个部门。But now some people talk about a fourth sector.

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你喜欢吸烟区还是非吸烟区的座位呢?Do you prefer the smoking or nonsmoking sector?

隔断把餐厅分成了吸烟区和非吸烟区。Do you prefer the smoking or nonsmoking sector?

文化部部长蔡武抨击庸俗文化乱象。Minister hits at 'vulgarity' in culture sector.

在能源部门还会增加一项特别税There will be a special tax on the energy sector

信托业开始脱胎换骨?。Is the Beginning of Rebirth for the Trust Sector?

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“它们在每一个部门都拥有自然垄断实力”。They have natural monopoly powers in each sector.

这可能会引起业内的重新洗牌。This could lead to a shake-out within the sector.

约跣十万余个公务员职位将被裁撤。About 100,000 more public sector jobs will be cut.

这是房地产界目前最关心的问题。This is the real estate sector is the most concern.

而且社会的几乎所有部门都有责任。And almost every sector of society is a perpetrator.

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道路建设行业会有很多的淡季吗?Is there a lot of slack in the road-building sector?

回到美国,撒乌耳努力调整到私人部门。S. , Saul struggles to adjust to the private sector.

瓦努阿图大力促进私营经济的增长。Vanuatu strongly promotes private sector led growth.