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鼓励幽默。Encourage humour.

她不无幽默。She is not without humour.

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他讲话缺乏幽默。Humour is lacking in his speech.

我不喜欢这种庸俗低级的笑话。I hate this kind of cheap humour.

她有种古灵精怪的幽默感。She had a wicked sense of humour.

他讲话缺乏幽默。Humour is lacking in his speeches.

只要哄一哄他,他就会安静的。Just humour him and he'll be quiet.

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他有着高雅而不低俗的幽默感。He has a good clean sense of humour.

"只要哄一哄她,她就会安静的。"。Just humour her and she'll be quiet.

她有使坏的幽默感。She has a mischievous sense of humour.

看来这周我的幽默绕道而行了。Appears I had a humour bypass this week.

她直视着他--活脱脱一个女巫的神气。She gazed at him--a pythoness in humour.

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边疆幽默有一大部分是由口头传述的。A great deal of frontier humour was oral.

英国幽默有很多是靠一语双关而得。Much British humour depends on ambiguity.

他有一种很逗人的冷幽默。He has a delightfully dry sense of humour.

幽默感是一种分寸感。A sense of humour is a sense of proportion.

他因情绪波动而又哭又笑。He wept and laughed as his humour moved him.

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他的新小说略带诙谐。His new novel is tinged with thinnish humour.

“幽默是后天习得的行为,”罗杰斯表示。Humour is learned behaviour, Mr Rodgers says.

我都忘啦,他是怪我今天下午发脾气吗?Was he vexed at my bad humour this afternoon?