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后来委员会辞退了卡利亚。Carder was later removed by the Committee.

最初我们认为你的账户涉嫌信用卡欺诈。Your account was initially thought to be involved in carder activity.

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结论槲皮素分子和载体分子之间未发生化学变化。CONCLUSION There was no chemical reaction between quercetin and carder.

语言是文化的载体,文化又对语言起着制约作用。Language is the carder of culture and in turn is influenced by culture.

“廉洁”是官德之首,是中国传统道德的一个基本规范。As a traditional essential moral mode in China, honesty is the most important virtue to be a carder.

卡特政府为了在美苏争霸中处于优势,明确地将人权问题作为对外政策的核心内容。Carder administration definitely took human rights issue as the core of its diplomatic policy in order to be superior to USSR.

直流换流站载频噪声干扰,是由换流站交直流换流运行时换流阀开断的暂态过程引起的。The carder frequency noise interference in the HVDC converter station is caused by the transition of the converter valve switching.

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另一方面,官本位和单位制使本来应该具有异质性的现代社会结构由于人为作用而呈现出许多同质性。At the same time, carder standard system and china unit system made the modern social structure to be homogeneous while it should be heterogeneous.

环境监理专业是原国家环保局和中国环境管理干部学院共同创建。The subject of environment supervise was founded by both the formal National Environmental Protection Bureau and China Environmental Management Carder College.

受历史发展进程和女性自身生理、心理的影响,女性领导干部这一特殊群体在当今时代面临诸多的角色冲突与困惑。The special group of female leading carder are faced with many role conflict and perplexity in our time because of their physiological and psychological character.

语言和文字是一个民族文化得以发展延续和承传的直接载体,是人类合作的基础,是人类文明发展的两大柱石。Language and character is the direct carder to make a nation keep developing and inheriting , and they are the basis of human cooperation and the twin pillars of human civilization.