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他不善于玩板球。He is clumsy at cricket.

他的一双手很笨。He is clumsy with his hands.

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杰克的一双手很粗笨。Jack is clumsy with his hands.

你穿这件衣裙看起来很笨拙。The dress looks clumsy on you.

这个补鞋匠真是笨手笨脚。This cobbler is rather clumsy.

蠢货’,原来那是穿了“It gasped and muttered, "Clumsy."

那笨拙的侍者把汤泼了。The clumsy waiter spilt the soup.

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一条笨拙的狗将杯子弄翻了。A clumsy dog knocked the cup over.

大家对他的拙劣发言均很反感。His clumsy speech annoyed everyone.

我打碎了这个花瓶,我是有多笨!How clumsy of me to break the vase!

俺从来没看见过象你这样的笨货。I never saw such a clumsy chap as you.

不需要任何笨拙的字符串操作。There are no clumsy string operations.

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一个星期前,我在诊所里还笨手笨嘲的。I was so clumsy a week ago in the clinic.

谁都不喜欢你那拙笨的玩笑。Nobody likes those clumsy spoofs of yours.

哥哥姐姐们都叫他小笨鸟。Sisters and Brothers call him clumsy bird.

穿着这双笨重的鞋走路真难受。It's not easy walking in these clumsy shoes.

那个捕鸟人也真是不嫌麻烦,实在太笨了。The trapper is really troublesome too clumsy.

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他用拙笨的手指撕开信封。He tore open the envelope with clumsy fingers.

瞧你这笨蛋!你碰翻了我的咖啡!You clumsy guy! You've knocked over my coffee!

我已经告诉了那笨拙的伽瑞特,这没什么。I told that clumsy Garet it would be all right.